riding a long way with tern

Thread started by
tern at 08.9.13 - 2:52 pm
I want to do either a night-time century--or a ride to SD from LA. Things have changed for me in so many ways. I live in a really rural place in Florida that is mostly unsafe for bike riders. And, I'm out of shape for leading long rides. But, I'd like to do a night time century or a ride to SD, within the the next six to twelve months. Thing is, I've been away from LA for about five years. Can we work together to make a ride like this? I know everybody is already doing these types of rides, but I'm asking if there are any ridazz out there who want to do this sort of thing so that I can be there when it happens--and plan with me (just for the date of the ride), so that I can be there when it goes off. I really miss everyone from MR. If there are any vets...including Creative Thing or Mindfullofmusic et al., or any newcomers who are up to the challenge, please let me know. thanks
P.s. If you talk to me before posting the ride, and we agree on the date, I will be there, or die.
tern08.9.13 - 3:02 pm
Maybe I'm just an idiot, trying to make the past into the future, but if anyone with the chops to plan a ride like this contacts me, I will go. If it is an existing plan, I will go. Here's the deal, if (in the future) you haven't posted the ride, I will send you a copy of my plane flight literary before you put it out there, if that is the case. Also, if you are already thinking about planning a ride like this, in the next 6 to 12 months, then just let me know about it. Am I missing anything? Probably.
tern08.9.13 - 3:21 pm
Maybe I'm just an idiot, trying to make the past into the future
No, you're just trying to make the future into the present. Whass wrong widdat?
PC responding to a
comment by tern
08.9.13 - 3:29 pm
Okay, I know you're right. I am just longing to go on a long ride with people who know the joy of riding a long way. Long rides make you--and anyone who participates--get into modes of thinking about how strong our relationships are. We get to know each other in ways that are impossible, otherwise. This is an awesome thing about long rides. I know that you know this. I just want to do this sort of ride again, for the fun of it...even though I've been away for a while.
tern responding to a
comment by PC
08.9.13 - 4:16 pm
...plus, I just want to go on a long ride--with other people.
tern08.9.13 - 4:19 pm
Take plenty of pictures!! And Tern...thank you again for all that you do...:)
alicestrong responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
08.10.13 - 6:50 am