Thread started by
brittany at 05.13.13 - 4:56 am
I don't like them
I don't like cars.
They don't pass me with enough room
3 feet, please, those guys pass me with a 1ft of room
just betting on the fact that the asphalt ahead of me doesn't have a 4 inch hole or bump or the car to my right isn't going to open the door.
Those people in cars...
They're rude.
They honk at me.
They honk like I'm in their way.
Until they turn on a blinker light to show me they're going somewhere where i'm in their way. Use your fucking blinker.
Like I'm a fucking mind reader. Crystal ball, right here on my drop bars.
Like oh this mother fucker turning behind me is turning right.
You think I hate MR? fuck that I hate CARS.
They're rude, abusive and play Russian Roulette with my life every day, like oh I hope this chick i'm passing makes it safely.
while i pass her at 50MPH with a foot of room.
on a DTLA pothole filled road.
How do these assholes have such entitlement about my human life?
Like dude, you could kill me going that fast.
I fantasize about things to do about it. I could put signs on a bike vest. I want to slap stickers on cars that say GET OFF YOUR PHONE WHILE YOU ALMOST RUN ME OVER
but i heard that's vandalism and i might go to jail
i'm trying to avoid jail.
so i can't ulock their windows???
what do I do??
catching up to them and telling them their asshole ass shitty driving just isn't cutting it, not working.
i have BIKE RAGE yo.
help me out.