Friday Night Maniaks

Thread started by
DEVILZ_NIGHT at 08.17.13 - 4:12 pm

On Friday night August 16, 2013.
A group Cyclist known to the midnightridazz as the Friday Night Maniaks where heading west bound on Whittier Blvd, In the city of Pico Rivera When a suspected drunk driver was moving and swerving around the ridazz screaming threats out the window to riders and he cut the riders off dropping one and almost hitting another rider. The Los Angeles Sheriffs Department was at the Gas station when flagged down by the riders. Immediately they responded detaining him but no arrest was followed up.
Its funny how someone can flash a knife to someone and get arrested but if you charge at them with a car, they only detain you and let you drive away.
Cars rule. I was Travelling west-bound on Sherman Way in the valley, about 8:30 pm when myself and another rider were harassed, then the driver bumps/hits me while still on my bike, with his car. I U-lok his windshield, he pulls over asap then continues to physically assault me in the middle of the street... He drives away home and I goto jail for four days w a felony.
Fuk LAPD, they clearly have no respect or ability to hold up the real law, the law that requires drivers to Share the Road, and the law that is also illegal to harass cyclists, in the state of California. Hitting a cyclist w a car is apparently no big deal, either. But sheesh, let me defend myself against all that bs w a $10 bike lock, and I'm instantly a felon. And u ask me why I'm mad...
Redline08.17.13 - 10:58 pm