Thread started by
moondance at 10.29.08 - 11:07 am
hey doood
if you could plz send me the pic of that dudes insurance it will be much appreciated.
when i saw this thread, i thought that somebody was going to cry to roadblock, about something.
eddieboyinla10.29.08 - 11:20 am
wow eddie,
you posted something without using caps lock
do you feel okay?
MOM_RIDAZ42010.29.08 - 11:23 am
Roadblock - How much money do you have on you?
Joe Borfo10.29.08 - 11:24 am
Richie PW3neD the rider from BLACK LABEL. that was truly EPIC
Roadblock10.29.08 - 3:23 pm
eddieboyinla11.23.09 - 1:51 pm
roadblock can you just delete att:rev106. That kind of shit doesnt ever have to exist on this website. For everything that paul does for the biking community. some mom rida having too much chronic on this website putting out insane hate like that. mom ridazz have fucked up my parties plenty of times and i dont complain. i let it go, even when they turn the bike oven into an opium den and fall aseep all over the place or when a girl gets hit by a guy in moms. it's not right but neither is that thread.
veronica11.23.09 - 11:36 pm
man, you guys worry too much about petty shit talking.
let the thread exist.
who fucking cares.
disagreements and arguments are natural.
without disagreements and arguments, we'd all just be a bunch of bitches.
plus there are plenty other stupid threads should be deleted first anyway.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by veronica
11.23.09 - 11:39 pm
I say don't delete it. I think Paul deserve to see it.
sexy11.23.09 - 11:42 pm
this one time at the shop, some dude came in to try to get some ridiculous deal on some wheels.
paul told him to fuck off.
gave me some motivation to be an entrepreneur.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by sexy
11.23.09 - 11:48 pm
Wait the bike oven? I heard you guys kick people out who can't pay for the hour to use ur tools? And acuse people of stealing shit, when there just taking what's theirs out of the shop.?…then tag their houses with the word theif? < I'm not making this up either. I just heard it.
Should I keep spewing bullshit about the oven I heard? Then don't spew bullshit about the momz on here either...
Snowcone doesn't represent all of us. If u have an issue with him then talk about him not the group as a whole.
The time a mom ridaz accidently hit nichole was a pure accident.your trying tomake us look like we hit women. get a fucking grip
Debut213 responding to a
comment by veronica
11.24.09 - 11:23 am
There was some somebody who did steal from the Bike Oven. . (Not just a tool here and there, but major stuff and the rent money and some other money.) Fortunately that person is gone from the Oven. All of the sudden the Oven was able to pay its rent when this person left. He is mostly gone from this board too. I would hope from the rides, but from the sounds of it I doubt it. For the sake of disclosure I have to say I was the first person to have bad blood with this guy. Eventually many people ended up being in conflict with this person. It has been like a dark cloud lifted off this community when he left.
you can read some words exchanged between Ratt_bones and Satan On a Tricycle here
"On Being Banished From The Bike Scene" it is toward the bottom of the page. Who knows you might know the story already and Ratt Bones is your friend also???
Regarding your buddy Snowcone, you can read what he writes and see what comes out of his mouth. For the most part all the things I read that he writes does
not come off as very positive, supportive, uplifting or friendly. The way he writes things around here, (I don't know if this is his exact writing or a feel of what he is saying) he comes off like he is speaking for all of you MOM ridaz.
I never really had a thought about MOM ridaz b4 since I don't really know any of you. The few times I was out around you folks and that was the early days of the formation of MOM ridaz, they just seem to be really interested and preoccupied with the intake mother nature. Now when I think of MOM ridaz I think of this stuff snowcone spews out. Take it for what it is, of course nobody speaks for everybody in any situation, but he does speak loud, he does speak about MOM ridaz, and he does speak much negativity.
sexy responding to a
comment by Debut213
11.24.09 - 12:18 pm
You got the jist of what I was trying to say about the rattbones drama. I just felt like if she likes dirty laundry then I had a couple garments for her to consider.
You have the right to ur opnion regarding snowcone. Seems like more and more people are being put off by his comments on the forum. But either way that's his own personal issue.
The only thing I wanted to clear up was that he DOES NOT SPEAK for the entire club. We have only one club president and it is not snowcone.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by sexy
11.24.09 - 1:56 pm
jean i fuckin love you
Xray11.24.09 - 4:15 pm
attn roadblock
smoke more herb. its really good for you..
Debut213 responding to a
comment by andres84
09.14.10 - 6:15 pm
Roadblock, you haz a new email at the ibikeshirts email. kthanxbai ♥
Gizzard09.17.10 - 2:35 pm
yo Don, these spam threads are getting out of control. Is there anything I can do to help delete them as they appear?
JOKER responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.11.13 - 10:37 am
I second this!!! Unless its for handbags.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by JOKER
04.11.13 - 3:53 pm
har har... because we all know you're really into handbags.
R@WKIT responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
04.12.13 - 1:10 pm
I wants a Midnight Ridazz skull patch. I give you all the monies.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.29.13 - 4:57 pm
Pay attention when your elders talk to you my son...dont be rude.
andres8404.29.13 - 8:44 pm