Fixie Girls

Thread started by
FIveDollerShake at 10.6.10 - 1:28 pm
where my ladies at!?
any ladies interested in rocking some fixie girl stickers and or being on the site hit me up !!!
so I see you treated yourself to an aerospoke after your last bike got stolen
imachynna10.6.10 - 1:30 pm
That dickhead video made me LOL for real Ahahahaha
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by Foldie
10.6.10 - 1:40 pm
unfortunately not .... ive never seen that site before that shit is gold!!!
FIveDollerShake responding to a
comment by Foldie
10.6.10 - 2:00 pm
KiMS110.6.10 - 2:25 pm
yesss, here comes mike to save the day.
imachynna10.6.10 - 2:35 pm
this is why normal ass cyclists are getting shot at.
we're guilty by association with these kooks.
who the hell is christina peck? is she put on a pedestal because she can deliver packages faster than someone else?
KiMS110.6.10 - 2:53 pm
What is a Fixie Girl?
A girl that rides a fixed gear bike.
Damn it! So not what I thought...
Will "fixed girls" ever become a trend?
md210.6.10 - 3:01 pm
Is this a new meme: two girls one road

Foldie10.6.10 - 3:02 pm
You need to add this chick to your blog

Foldie10.6.10 - 3:09 pm
onelessfixie10.6.10 - 3:19 pm
Hijab fixie girl. FTW!!

Foldie responding to a
comment by onelessfixie
10.6.10 - 3:22 pm
I agree.
responding to a comment by imachynna
10.6.10 - 6:24 pm
mr.j10.6.10 - 8:34 pm
Now, it makes me wanna have a sexifixxie girl for Christmas! =(
^olsko*jr710.6.10 - 8:34 pm
damm i guess i failed at posting that pic. :( I need directions
mr.j10.6.10 - 8:38 pm
yes we know: quarter bounce worthy
amodone responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
10.6.10 - 10:37 pm
dam u did bump dis up!!!!
thats a keeper!!!!
fixie4life responding to a
comment by imachynna
10.6.10 - 10:38 pm
see, friend. the sluttier they get, the more acceptable it is. suddenly said fixie chick has stareworthy ass vs. prior funny comments.
men are so predictable.
imachynna10.7.10 - 1:36 am
Not to sound like a prude, but perhaps we should all stop before we get to ahead of ourselves.
bentstrider10.7.10 - 5:31 am
how are men so predictable? are you forming your conclusion based on a couple of guys and their comments from MR?
what do you mean the sluttier they get, the more acceptable it is? you are the one that "jokingly" is advocating tits or gtfo and then providing a website of girls on bicycles (btw, thanks, awesome site...hahaha)... i guess what is funny is how you as a woman are the one making comments and then putting websites with images and then waiting for reactions.... and when you get the comments you are expecting from a couple of guys... you say,... Yes, men are predictable....
yes, men are probably more visible than women...and men are probably more shallow than women in physical appearance...however, to ignore that women are shallow as well is not fair.... perhaps women are not as shallow as men in appearance but could be shallow in other forms....
my point to you is that no...not all men are predictable... I may be predictable but because I liked the girl from Jan 2010... but you should not put men in a bubble...there are different guys out there... maybe not on this website...but i am sure they are out there...
btw, i did not think you were really supportive of the original site that was being promoted here... to that individual..what i gathered is that she wanted more female riders on fixed gear bicycles to contact her... maybe to develop a bond, companionship, a friendship,or support based on them enjoying riding a particular style of bicycle...then the thread went somewhere else... but you did not help in that...
dayone responding to a
comment by imachynna
10.7.10 - 7:27 am
Joe Borfo10.7.10 - 7:34 am
marginally attractive women taking their clothes off around shitty conversions? this is borderline juggalo porn. so fucking lame. if bikes werent popular, this wouldnt happen.
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 8:56 am
meh it is what it is.
more interesting than this
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 9:01 am
pin up photography is for fat girls. tourists in the bike scene are into this. what will the next embarrassing fad be? i hope its seppuku.
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 9:03 am
honestly, i don't give a shit about any of this shit. i just learned how to post photos and i needed an excuse.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 9:07 am
So if you thought the women were more attractive and the bikes were really nice, it would be totally not lame, I guess?
nathansnider responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 9:22 am
These pictures really show how far the rib cage has come over the years. In the past the boobs and butt were given so much attention, and we're finally starting to give the larger anatomy it's due sexiness.
I didn't even notice the nipples, because I was so "fixed" on those washboard edges. And don't get started on the bug bite on the 2nd girl's leg. It's all just so real and genuine, you know? Like loving them for their mind or parent's money.
Powerful stuff. It's like the girls are looking at me and asking, "though some men really love breasts, could you or would love me for my rib cage?"
"yes... yes... i could"
it's beautiful.
md2 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
10.7.10 - 10:03 am
subculture porn is cheaper than real porn. whatever real porn actually is.
its like asking if the jared leto video would have still been lame if bikes werent involved.
are you, the average midnight rida, able to answer that question on your own?
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 10:11 am
subculture porn is cheaper than real porn. whatever real porn actually is.
From what others tell me all kinds of porn is free now.
its like asking if the jared leto video would have still been lame if bikes werent involved.
Like would the video be lame if Richie, Coldcut and others were just walking in costume along the LA streets at night? I dont know, that might have changed my mind about the video, because that seems really cool, especially the circle of death.
are you, the average midnight rida, able to answer that question on your own?
I consulted my Jack Russel terrier before writing all my responses.
md2 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 10:21 am
A lot of hating on this thread!
Pay RBIs rants no mind. just 2 years ago was living in ojai wearing spandex and riding a roadbike, discovered MR got a "fixie" and a pair of skinny jeans moved to the valley and is now hating on the popularity of wearing skinny jeans and riding fixed gear bikes.... I love ya RBI but damn dude you be hatin' can we just
go back to the days of unbridled excitement for bikes and the ojai bike path? is actually pretty tastefully done IMHO. Why people are hating on it and posting nudes on here as a way to hate on Joys website is mind boggling. There aren't any nudes on fixiegirls that I could see... It looks like it's pretty egalitarian in terms of the girls and photos posted. Doesn't seem exploitational... Or am I just numb to sexism since aminaked and porntube came out? I mean I can understand the fixfixfix site being interpreted as objectifying women but what's so bad about Joy's site? She's posting pics of Actual girls she's run into on the streets.... And one thing this town and bike scene should be doing is celebrating girls on bikes. If there's anything we need to celebrate it's girls on bikes. If there's one thing we should be doing as men and women is removing the stigma of riding a bike in LA. Bikes are not just for macho macho men. It's for macho women too!
The damned sexiest girls in the world are riding bikes in LA! Chynna Shotgunboom and Danya you should all be on fixiegirls dotcom! except Linds doesn't ride fixed but so what just borrow a bike! Let's gets go!
Sing it with me (to the tune of girls on film by duran duran)
girls on bikes!
Girls on bikes!
Girls on bikes!
....girls on bikes!
Click clcik clcickc click
Roadblock responding to a
comment by nathansnider
10.7.10 - 10:22 am
Yeah, I even heard ruinedbyidiots isn't even his real name.
Just ban him!
md2 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 10:34 am
517s couldnt be further away from a skinny jean. but i applaud you for trying.
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 10:34 am
I am waiting for foldie

Foldie10.7.10 - 10:51 am
TK42110.7.10 - 11:06 am
naked chicks and chicks on fixed gears bikes aren't the point!
i learned some html shit!
that's the point i was trying to make
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 11:18 am
Can you guys step back and realize the absurdity of this all Of course not. Because naked girls with bikes means there might be more bikes on the street. Right Right Right Please.
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 11:48 am
I think the fixiegirls website is a little hotter because of its authenticity (even if that's not their intent) because the girls ride.The triple fix site has hot chicks, but they look a little uncomfortable, and their poses are kind of awkward. And they do not actually ride. But I can't argue with hot topless chicks and bikes. I look forward to the progression of both these sites, they're definitely on my radar now.
JOKER10.7.10 - 11:52 am
mr.j10.7.10 - 11:55 am
mr.j10.7.10 - 12:13 pm
Can we make this an Asian thread

Foldie10.7.10 - 12:19 pm
Played at BFF last year. Good movie

Foldie10.7.10 - 12:26 pm
Pink mini Velo Fixie.....yummmmmm

mandingo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 1:11 pm
i think RBI's VO5 hair treatments are affecting the way he views life as a cyclist.
mandingo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 1:14 pm
KIMS 1 and Fixie both have tiny penises and hence har bor a deep-seated hatred of women; hence thier need to conctatly degregate female rides on this site by posting porn.
Hey, not all guys can be tall, blonde and handsome like you are Don! :p
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 1:31 pm
KIMS 1 felt threatned by the women on fixie girls because they have high self esteem and probably would never give him, and his teeny weenie, the time of day...hence he felt the need to "bring them down a notch" by making a comment that one of thier female riders was "not that hot" and posted some porn in the hopes of making them feel badly about themselves.
Foldie is a tiny penis man, VERY tiny, his entire body is tiney and he has virtually no dectable package in his spandex. That pretty much explains his comments.
Oh, well, fixie girls are beautiful, I posted them on my blog and hopefully the moderater, Roadblock, will moderate and remove the nasty photos. Have a nice day!
Girl Power10.7.10 - 1:38 pm
I didn't post porn. You can attack me all you want. I am very happy with my life, but obviously you have issues getting a man. Enjoy your cats.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 1:58 pm
I have a man. So that blows that theory...teeny weeny!
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Foldie
10.7.10 - 2:12 pm
Unreal ... .. Really? What are you like 12 hitting the intenet for the first time .... come up with better comebacks if your going to jump in the ring ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 2:30 pm
I think Freud would really enjoy this thread if he could see it.
outerspace10.7.10 - 2:30 pm
For the record, I don't ride fixed either.
(La Duderina is still my hero. Come play polo more!)
danya responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 2:39 pm
how does me saying, "this blog is boring and vacant" translate to me cutting someone down a notch and calling someone an ugmo?
is this because you've talked shit to your entire life and your brain just processes everything in defense mode?
why are you offended so much by some boobie pics?
why do you keep bringing up my and foldie's genitalia? what kinda pervert are you?
if you're gonna make assumptions about our penises can we talk about your vagina?
is it big and floppy?
does it look like a folded over pizza?
okay, go have fun complaining about how fast monday night rehab is.
bye!!! :)
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 2:45 pm
For the record, I don't ride fixed either.
PC responding to a
comment by danya
10.7.10 - 2:47 pm
As the original caption said, yet another innocent victim of the spontaneously collapsing frame...
danya responding to a
comment by PC
10.7.10 - 2:54 pm
Actually MNR has gotten faster and people do get dropped ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by KiMS1
10.7.10 - 2:57 pm
Actually, I hit the nail on the head. All the OP did was post her new site, and these two insecure assholes implied one of the girls was ugly and posted porn of his idea of "hot" chicks to make them feel badly about the pics they posted of themselves online, pic that they obviously felt pretty taking, if thats not a teeny weeny complex then I don't know what is! LOL
Girl Power responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
10.7.10 - 2:57 pm
Your reading comprehension is clearly lacking.
danya responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 3:00 pm
I know!!! My legs are just too damn strong... Now it's all road and mountain bikes for me.
danya responding to a
comment by PC
10.7.10 - 3:01 pm
i'll come out next week!
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
10.7.10 - 3:04 pm
Foldie: Is this website curated by the same hipsters that gave us
who the hell is christina peck? is she put on a pedestal because she can deliver packages faster than someone else?
neither one of these posts says anything about how hot so and so is etc etc.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 3:09 pm
no one wants to see girl power naked with her beach cruiser.
no one wants to see mike kim naked with his cannondale.
no one wants to see rbi naked with his miele.
ruinedbyidiots10.7.10 - 3:15 pm
i'm eating a sandwich on your balcony tonight.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 3:16 pm
Your comebacks suck .... This thread is going to go from fixie girls .. bash Girl Power Hour ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 3:17 pm
Girl Power is mad because we didn't post a pic of her. Here you go:

Foldie responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 3:19 pm
no one wants to see girl power naked with her beach cruiser.
no one wants to see mike kim naked with his cannondale.
no one wants to see rbi naked with his miele.
canadienne responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 3:24 pm
Glad you posted that. My first thought when I saw his post was that I could think of an exception... didn't think it'd be appropriate to post on your behalf though.
danya responding to a
comment by canadienne
10.7.10 - 3:30 pm
no one wants to see mike kim naked with his cannondale.
Fuck it; I'm down.
And Foldie covered the rest, so it looks like RBI is wrong again.
md2 responding to a
comment by canadienne
10.7.10 - 3:33 pm
come to the corner of alameda and victory between 9:00PM to 2:00AM.
$10 to look
$15 to touch
$20 i touch you
i'll put a smile on your face. or a frown. idk
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by md2
10.7.10 - 3:38 pm
Do you realize how much I can get kangaroo for? Find some other chump for those prices.
md2 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
10.7.10 - 3:39 pm
aight papi. you know where to find me ;)
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by md2
10.7.10 - 3:43 pm
fuckin' caught me!
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
10.7.10 - 3:48 pm
This website is fun today.
I just had to disable auto image loading since I'm at work.
Working hard. Or hardly working.
Kind of a slow day.
I really meant to go for a ride yesterday but then I felt really tired so I played video games until 3am to ensure I'd feel tired today as well.
outerspace10.7.10 - 3:50 pm
i am having internet fun AND getting work done. i am a winner.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by outerspace
10.7.10 - 3:53 pm
Nonono, what I was asking was more along the lines of whether the Jared Leto video would still have been lame if the music hadn't been so bland and if, visually, it hadn't been full of crucifixion/resurrection cliches, non sequitur Banksy "homages," etc.. I mean, those were the things that (I think) made it such an embarrassment, not just that fact that bikes were involved. The point is, a music video could be done well and not come off as completely opportunistic and exploitative. Could you say the same thing for fixie girl porn?
Eh, anyway... I'm not really offended that bikes are popular. I feel like no matter how well-made it may be, porn that uses bikes is inevitably going to be trying too hard, or not trying hard enough, or something...
I wonder if Bigfoot is offended by
Bigfoot porn.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
10.7.10 - 4:10 pm
Yup ... you see... the thread changed ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Foldie
10.7.10 - 4:12 pm
as a rider with a size 16 shoe, i am offended by bigfoot porn.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by nathansnider
10.7.10 - 4:16 pm
Saw you rolling through the Sepulveda pass yesterday in the rain.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by danya
10.7.10 - 6:33 pm
I've come to the conclusion that single women love cats. This is based purely through my research on oh yeah and lots of single lawyers out there.... Lookin for that special badboi one would presume. Swoon*
Roadblock responding to a
comment by ^olsko*jr7
10.7.10 - 8:33 pm
"Or am I just numb to sexism since
aminaked and porntube came out?"
Thanks. My dirty dirty mind needed a new site.
Just like Mr R to the B to tha I needs a pacifier.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.7.10 - 9:36 pm
Welcome to 2001.
Kindly pass me the hissskey.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by KiMS1
10.7.10 - 9:43 pm
"But I can't argue with hot topless chicks and bikes. I look forward to the progression of both these sites, they're definitely on my radar now."
Spoken like a true man. Cheers old boy!
Oh, you got some beer on your beard.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by JOKER
10.7.10 - 9:45 pm
Great Wall of China.
Cus I don't see no ass.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Foldie
10.7.10 - 9:47 pm
"KIMS 1 felt threatned by the women on fixie girls because they have high self esteem and probably would never give him, and his teeny weenie, the time of day"
Wow, your powers of deduction from an image he posted are amazing. Didn't you hear the man? He just learned how to post images. Let's welcome him to 2001.
Now kindly move on troll.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 9:50 pm
Take one, if possibly, two of these 3x's a day for the rest of your life. You might feel a part of the rest of humanity.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 9:54 pm
Oops, here's what you need:
Thank me when you see a little person coming outta your vadge.
Bikekowski10.7.10 - 9:56 pm
Bigfoot porn? Oh man, I'm dying over here. Even in my dirtiest of minds I would never have thought something possible. Beautiful.
Simply *wipes tear from eye* (<--- you pick which one) beautiful.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by nathansnider
10.7.10 - 10:03 pm
This was fun. I actually really enjoy girl ass as eye candy. Just not with ugly bikes. But that's a different story...
In all the irony of my joking around and being a successful "troll" by getting everyone's panties in a bunch, I'm on the website making a funny face.
I'll be here till Sunday, thanks.
imachynna10.7.10 - 11:15 pm
Hey, I'm not trying to defend kims1 penis or anything, but he has a long time girlfriend... I don't think she'd stay with him if she wasn't happy down there, yanno? Just sayin'...
imachynna responding to a
comment by Girl Power
10.7.10 - 11:16 pm
I hear you're hitting the job fair circuit nowadays.
And I agree... ugly bikes do not belong.
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by imachynna
10.7.10 - 11:32 pm
Thanks- that was possibly the most miserable ride of my life. I could barely keep my eyes open because it was raining so hard. I wonder if that's why messengers wear those silly little caps?
danya responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
10.8.10 - 4:24 am
i dont comment in the forums often......... but when i do
..............i prefer dos equis
zeepenguin10.12.10 - 8:56 am
you and chynna are the raddest chicks i know.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by danya
10.12.10 - 9:14 am
Sounds like he'll be at RWNN...HIT HIM UP!
shotgunBOOMBOOM11.19.10 - 7:40 pm
a BIG OMG!! haha thats my "friend.She's always showing her boobs.The first kims pic "spank bank".She;s a slut and down to earth you can tell her i said that.She's really swet warm person.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by KiMS1
11.19.10 - 8:49 pm
add her ..oh and she doesnt ride one bit.
Huey55511.19.10 - 8:50 pm
I've already seen her tits, what do I need to talk to her for now?
@Chynna, let's start a fixie chick, Moz loving, cat idolizing bike club? Think of the logo. A cat with a Moz head riding a fixie with the Initials "C.& T." somewhere on it. yeah......
Tarmonster. responding to a
comment by Huey555
11.20.10 - 10:01 am
I seen a good looking fixie girl last night at the rwnn I wanted to take her home
El_Fredone11.20.10 - 12:19 pm
lol true.It was meant for the all the poon desparate fools that look for girls on these rides.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Tarmonster.
11.20.10 - 5:02 pm
am i too late?
66611.21.10 - 12:18 pm
I've got 54321
I've got a red pair of high-heels on
Tumble me over, it doesn't take much
Tumble me over, tumble me, push
In my red high-heels I've no control
The rituals of repression are so old
You can do what you like, there'll be no reprisal
I'm yours, yes I'm yours, it's my means of survival
I've got 54321
Come on my love, I know you're strong
Push me hard, make me stagger
The pain in my back just doesn't matter
You force-hold me above the ground
I can't get away, my feet are bound
So I'm bound to say
That I'm bound to stay
Well today I look so good
Just like I know I should
My breasts to tempt inside my bra
My face is painted like a movie star
I've studied my flaws in your reflection
And put them to rights with savage correction
I've turned my statuesque perfection
And shone it over in your direction
So come on darling, make me yours
Trip me over, show me the floor
Tease me, tease me, make me stay
In my red high-heels I can't get away
I'm trussed and bound like an oven ready bird
But I bleed without dying and I won't say a word
Slice my flesh and I'll ride the scar
Put me into gear like your lady car
Drive me fast and crash me crazy
I'll rise from the wreckage as fresh as a daisy
These wounds leave furrows as they heal
I've traveled them, they're red and real
I know them well, they're part of me
My birth, my sex, my history
They grew with me, my closest friend
My pain's my own, my pain's my end
Clip my wings so you know where I am
I can't get lost while you're my man
Tame me so I know your call
I've stabbed my heels so I am tall
I've bound my twisted falling fall
Beautiful mute against the wall
Beautifully mutilated as I fall
Use me, don't lose me
I've got 54321
I've got a red pair of high-heels on
Strap my ankles, break my heels
Make me kneel, make me feel
Turn, turn, turn, like a clockwork doll
Put in your key and give me a whirl
Tease me, tease me, the reason to play
In my red high-heels I can't get away
I'll be your bonsai, your beautiful bonsai
Your black-eyed bonsai, erotically rotting
Will my tiny feet fit your desire?
Warped and tied I walk on fire
Burn me out, twist my wrists
I promise not to shout, beat me with your fists
Squeeze me, squeeze me, make me feel
In my red high-heels I'm an easy kill
Tease me, Tease me, make me see
You're the only one, I need to be me
Thank you, will you take me?
Thank you, will you make me?
Thank you, will you break me?
Use me, don't lose me
Taste me, don't waste me
Use, lose, taste, waste.
coldcut11.23.10 - 8:46 pm
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice
ehilado12.6.10 - 10:49 pm
my sentiments exactly
Bring it!
sexy responding to a
comment by theshues
12.14.10 - 7:02 am
Great song. Great album.
Some dickbag jacked my LP.
sleepy responding to a
comment by coldcut
12.14.10 - 9:09 pm
Looking for biking buds in LA!
Hit me on facebook
Sss105703.1.13 - 2:09 pm
Hi there! Someone in my Myspace group shared this website with us so I came to give it a look. I’m certainly loving the data. I’m bookmarking and will probably be tweeting this to my followers! Outstanding post and great style and design.
- see also... [url=]wozki dzieciece[/url] [url=]wozki dzieciece[/url], by wozkiennsourenseon.
corwvinnn responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.18.13 - 11:57 am
Geocities or GTFO.
(Unless you have some handbags for us.)
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by corwvinnn
07.18.13 - 12:11 pm
I got super excited when fixie girls liked my instagram photo and started following me <3
brittany07.19.13 - 1:55 pm