Deleting a ride

Thread started by
theroyalacademy at 05.14.13 - 10:19 am
To "delete" a ride, all you need to do is change its date to sometime far in the past. That effectively buries it.
yeah I see that post... you can put it far in the past... that is one way. hahah. but I say please dont delete rides... its like deleting history.... if you have to cancel a ride try first to hand the ride to someone else or just put CANCELLED in the title but leave the description up so that if someone else wants to take it over they can.
Roadblock05.14.13 - 11:37 am
ahhhh well in that case this person will just have to invent another ride to make up for it!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
05.14.13 - 6:58 pm
in fact this is a lot like the abortion debate... when exactly does a ride become a ride? at conception? Midnight Ridazz believes that rides begin at conception and we dont condone ride abortions... they must all be saved!!
this is probably a very improper and poor taste joke. sorry.
Roadblock05.14.13 - 7:08 pm
you are officially a Rone Ranger. Abortion jokes are our favourite thing!
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.14.13 - 10:29 pm
"how do i delete a ride?" would actually make a very good Passage theme.
A ride that deletes itself.
Will have to work on that.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.14.13 - 10:52 pm