Talking to the cops.

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trickmilla at 11.1.12 - 7:59 pm
The other day at the metro I saw some assholes beat some innocent tranny upside the face while calling him/her a "fa66ot" and kicking her shit onto the tracks.
Some of the most disgusting lowlifes I have crossed paths with in a long time.
Not kids either. Grown ass low life adults.
The tranny fled upstairs called dispatch which stopped the trains for the cops to arrive.
The tranny bailed and declined to press charges.
The trains were stopped the cops were confused and everybody was waiting to get on with their day. I decided to step of the train and tell the cops what I saw.
They had held 3 young black guys (no where near the description) of the asshole assailants who did the crime whom I confirmed were not involved at all.
At some point the cops let the two trains go.
And asked me to stay to give a complete statement.
My reward for being the only witness to step forward was missing 2 trains while I telling the cops what I saw and pointing them to some of the tranny's belongings on the tracks.
When next train came. I was still standing near the cops.
I stepped onto the train and was faced with a split second decision.
The asshole harasser/ assailants were right there on that train. They had hopped on the first train to come, not knowing both would be stopped. they took the train 1 stop in the opposite direction, gotten off, then were heading back. and for whatever reason, they were right there in front of me, on the one car i decided to get on.
In a flash, maybe out of fear, anger, or whatever, i turned around and stood in the doorway, and motioned to the cops to come in.
What I didn't want to do all along, was to have to stand in front of the assholes and finger them to the police. But that was the position I was in. I felt like I didn't have a choice. If I was Walter White, I would have waited till the next stop and punched that guy in the fucking face. But I'm not.
I pointed out the guy who beat the tranny, and his crackhead bully sidekick bitches.
The whole thing scared the fuck out of me. Knowing those ghetto ass fools are probably not going to be happy if they see me again.
The cops told me later that the guy had a warrant.
But no charges will be filed in the assault because the tranny took off.
(perhaps because shortly after the beating, the asshole had said to her "I'm gonna kill you if I see you downtown")
I love this town.
But sometimes living in the city is fucking sad.
My only regret is not putting my face between that tranny and that assholes fist.
Not picking up her bag before those assholes kicked it on the tracks.
The memory of her bloody face makes me sad.
She didn't deserve that.
I don't regret talking to the cops, even though nothing good came of it, even if it means I may have to defend myself from that asshole homophobe someday.
Fuck him. I hope he is in jail right now.
Call me a "Narc" if you want.
I don't give a fuck. I really don't.
There's always instances where it is more appropriate to do so. This is one of them. We need police for certain reasons. Unfortunately most the time they don't fulfill the right needs and abuse the rights of others. I respect what you did. I can't see how anyone could argue, except for dense thug types.
Joe Borfo11.1.12 - 8:16 pm
I respect what you did as well. I bet that there were others who witnessed the assault and ignored it. If it were my brother, sister, family member, knowing that someone like you would step out for a stranger like that, selflessly, makes me feel good. Good call.
Coe coe buttaa11.1.12 - 10:07 pm
Those fucking stations and trains are full of cameras, but no assault and battery charges?
PC responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
11.1.12 - 11:36 pm
Good point. I don't understand he they can't press charges even if the victim decides to leave for undoubtedly her own safety. The police still haven't impressed me one bit in my experience. Not fucking once.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by PC
11.2.12 - 12:14 am
that's pretty awesome of you. when i was hit by the car and no one was there, that feeling of being alone, of no one to help me, it's a very scary one. there's a quote somewhere that says something like the end of the world will happen not because will make it happen but because others will sit back and watch it happen while doing nothing. if doing something inspires a small act of courage in someone else to do something, than that's all you can truly hope for. fuck! what an experience though. srsly.
bondink11.2.12 - 8:41 am
When the victim(s) do not press charges it makes it really easy for cops to shrug and move along.
Kakihara responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.2.12 - 9:41 am
The victim was sitting on the steps when it happened and I don't think it was covered by the cameras.
The victim did not want to stay and press charges so the cops told me on that account no charges would be filed.
There is footage of the assailant & accomplices kicking the victims stuff onto the the tracks, that is a metro citation at worst, i don't think the cops felt it was worth their time.
In general they are loathe to arrest anybody involved in a physical altercation unless weapons are involved or if somebody goes to the hospital and/or if they see it with their own eyes.
Honestly. I am not at all proud of what I did. Or I should say what I didn't do.
I was just walking up when shit started going down. I did not see what preceded the attack,. I was frankly scared and confused when it was happening.
I did have time to step in, and try and stop the violence, if I had had the courage, or the inclination.
But I didn't. Unfortunately.
I don't know if things would have been any different.
I probably would have gotten my own face punched.
Which isn't really such a horrible thing ... especially if one chooses it rather than having been victimized.
This shit was so stressful.
I think I got a cold sore from it. haha.
The reason I decided to share this is
1) i just needed to get it off my chest.
2) I been thinking a lot about people saying they "never talk to the cops".
I made a decision to talk to the cops.
And the best thing I can say about it was that 3 innocent guys that were profiled hopefully got on with their lives without further any interruption and by some accident of destiny, 1 major asshole got taken in on an outstanding warrant.
He's probably out on the street again and feeling just as sad, mad, insecure, violent and hateful, if not more so.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by PC
11.2.12 - 10:35 am
i always say I don't know who else I would call if I get hit by a car.
i think it's silly to ignore the cops when they have such power and control over us. (they sure don't ignore us)
work within the system and exploit it's flaws - to an extent, don't put yourself in harms way.
i only commute by metro and bike and try to pretend i'm a badass but really i'm relying on hope that the collective conscious of goodness will have my back if anyone fucks with me on the train.
brittany11.2.12 - 10:48 am
I've been here so many times before: that juncture in time when that feeling deep down in your gut is telling you something is amiss and compelling you to do something. I have stuck my head in such situations too many times, and too many times been handed the short end of the stick, but I will continue to always do so because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Of coure, try to gather as much information that's out there because chances are, like you said, you too would have ended up with a knuckle sammich, and what if the Tranny had, for argument purposes, stolen or tried stealing something from one of them caused such a reaction?
I still commend you and I'm glad that there are others who put others before themselves. Be safe Patrick.
July11.2.12 - 12:30 pm
fuck cops, but you did the right thing.
intervening is valiant, but risky. not to sound like your mom, but the crack head easily could've shanked you or humped you or worse. you done good.
slowrighthand11.2.12 - 1:56 pm
Dude, tranny is not the preferred nomenclature.
Good job though! Nice work standing up for your fellow citizens.
JB11.2.12 - 2:04 pm
Watching my back now whenever I am anywhere near that station.
Which is probably a good thing to do regardless.
Perhaps its time to regrow the beard... LOL.
trickmilla11.2.12 - 2:08 pm
The system is broke as a joke and People get their asses kicked all the time. There are probably a good hundred ass whoops per day in LA proper. Based on budget alone they cant chase down and bring cases for which the ass kickee isnt around to be a witness.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
11.2.12 - 2:10 pm
i understand why some people choose not to talk to the cops in some situations. it's often ineffective. you don't have to report a crime against yourself, fine, but i look at it this way: it's your responsibility as a citizen to do what's right by those around you.
when you don't report a crime, you're choosing to throw out evidence that could help the next victim get justice. you're choosing to sit by the wayside and watch knowing this person will most likely do the same or worse to another person.
i think you did a bang up job there. thanks for that.
animosity11.2.12 - 5:06 pm
You did the right thing, Patrick.
I'd like to think I would have done the same thing, But when it comes down to it, I know my inclination would be to not expose myself like you did.
I'm giving you a beer next time I see you!
Creative Thing11.2.12 - 5:10 pm
Based on budget alone they cant chase down and bring cases for which the ass kickee isnt around to be a witness.
They don't have to chase the asshole down. He is (or was) in their custody on a warrant; the purse-kicking was caught on tape; they had eyewitnesses; and for all we know they may have the assault on tape as well. If the victim had been someone a little less marginalized, I could easily see them going actually burning a few donut calories to put a case together.
PC responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.3.12 - 12:47 am
Incidentally, because I know this will keep coming up: legally, there is no such thing as a victim "pressing charges" in criminal court. Criminal cases are adjudicated as "People of CA vs. [Defendant]"--the offense, in legal terms, is treated as though committed against the public. Prosecutors, not victims, file charges; and they can and do file charges in cases where the victim is uncooperative, in hiding, unlocatable, unknown, comatose, or dead. But they can't file charges if a case isn't put together by police and brought to them.
The onus is on the cops and the prosecutor, not on the person who got the shit kicked out of her for sitting on a stairway while transgendered.
PC11.3.12 - 1:02 am
I didnt say anything about the vic pressing charges i said as a "witness" they'd have to spend time looking for the victim, and hope that he wants to be a witness. The case would also rely on the severity of the ass whoop which cant really be determined by a video- the vic would have to show just how much ass whoop he sustained. With no witness, its a tough case and they just dont have the resources to prosecute every case of ass whoop.
There are so many ass whoops in LA proper and a lot of the ass whoop is tit for tat shit for which both sides have dirt to hide and wont want to participate.
So yeah...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
11.3.12 - 11:05 am
still a narc!!!!
why don't guys talked about killing Jerico Culata?
fixie4life11.4.12 - 6:07 pm
Create a thread about Jerico Culata's death if you want. You know how to create a thread, if not just push that "post new" button and it will give you templet to do so. People will talk about it if they have something to contribute to the discussion.
sexy responding to a
comment by fixie4life
11.4.12 - 6:20 pm