requesting to DJ if there is an after party!
jonnyboy11.20.12 - 7:08 pm
818 rollin out at 8 o clock sharp. This is so we can make it to Toys r Us and still get to Olvera St. around 10. As usual, the Burbank TRU stop will be fast. Pre-Party at North Hollywood park kicks off about 730...
JOKER11.20.12 - 8:32 pm
Just an FYI
We have not secured a venue for this years potential after party.
In fact we do not have a lead person or a committee of any kind that has expressed an interest in taking on such a task.
Its a big job and it won't get done unless 1 or more people make a serious commitment in the coming days.
What will inevitably follow this post will be lots of very well intended posts about aspirational spots where we could possibly throw the party.
But those suggestions are meaningless unless somebody is willing to do the leg work: securing the space, dealing with the costs, finding out all the rules, required permits etc. and making sure the place will suit the needs of our very unique event.
Past venue liaisons have included: dsimple, immachynna, and trickmilla.
none of them are offering to take it on this year.
The Toy Ride family is awesome and there is tons of great people willing to help out and make it happen, but without somebody(s) to take the reigns on the venue planning, a fixed location event will not be a part of the toy ride this year.
All City Toy Ride11.21.12 - 9:57 am
We are also looking for a charity / charity liaison.
We like a charity that specifically serves needy kids in LA (city or county)
What we offer is a bunch of new unwrapped toys, usually in the $5-$30 range.
What we require is that that charity arrange the pickup from our collection point.
What the liaison needs to do is communicate with the charity so they know when and where to pick up the toys, and can act as a communication bridge between the ridazz and the charity.
Of course millions of great suggestions are always appreciated.
But without somebody make it happen they will go nowhere.
We can have a Toy Ride without a party, but we can have a toy ride without toyz... so this is a crucial job that needs to get filled very soon.
Charity Liaison work will probably be a total about 2-3 hours of work over the next few weeks. Mostly via email and phone calls. Good heart and good communication skills a must.
All City Toy Ride11.21.12 - 10:11 am
Help us, Funzie Wan Kenobi.
You're our only help...
Joe Borfo11.21.12 - 10:37 am
hell yeah 3 diff 818 rides have been posted!!! Let's all cruise there together with a grip of Toys!!!
tallcans4tallbikes11.21.12 - 11:05 am
I've got a lead for the after party!
Hold tight!
jonnyboy11.21.12 - 2:50 pm
What about the Church of FUN?
It's now a venue and could quite possibly be very attainable. Let's talk to our friends the Angelopes.
Jazzy Phat Nastee responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
11.21.12 - 8:12 pm
Sadly, the church is now where near big enough to hold the All City Toy Ride, this ride is often the largest ride of the year, and our space, while we can accommodate a hundred or so people is NOW WHERE near big enough to hold the 500 lb gorilla that is the ACTR.
FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by Jazzy Phat Nastee
11.21.12 - 8:38 pm
I dont know, dj alaskas set was cut short last year so we should probably just cancel the whole event
buckchin11.21.12 - 8:42 pm
I'm happy to take on the task of organizing all things related to musical entertainment at the party (I've got several bands actively interested in playing) and I'm more than willing to help out on other aspects of organizing as well. However, I'm out of town until Sunday.
What else is needed? Last time I spoke to Roadblock about things, the impression I had was that last year's venue had a favourable impression of us, but he didn't know if it was available on prospective dates. Does anyone have any info beyond that, or contact info for the landlord? I don't mind making phone calls and working to secure a location, but I don't really have time to look for that location.
ideasculptor11.21.12 - 10:51 pm
I think I could handle the charity liaison position in advance of the ride, though I may need an assistant the night of, if the after party attempts to contain Santa Youth.
lackflag responding to a
comment by All City Toy Ride
11.22.12 - 2:59 pm
Also I would need to talk to somebody who has done it before because other than being friendly and communicating well I have no idea how to do that job.
lackflag11.22.12 - 3:02 pm
turns out the venue I was checking out is not going to work
I will however be happy to provide the soundsystem for the night ;)
jonnyboy11.23.12 - 10:45 am
those that are still looking for venues- can we try to find one that allows us to have music until 3am or 4am?
last year seemed to get cut short which was undesirable considering how much we all love to make glorious party!
jonnyboy11.23.12 - 12:43 pm
I'm on it. I'm trying to follow up on a few leads. Will get back to you gaise as soon as I get a response. In the meantime, others should be doing the same.
Jazzy Phat Nastee responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
11.23.12 - 1:03 pm
Again, just throwing ideas out there but has anyone tried contacting Cameron Rath of FMLY? I know they just opened a venue here in the DTLA area and I believe the space might be able to contain the group.
Also, if possible, Chynna.... could you provide us with the final tally of how many people showed up last year?
Jazzy Phat Nastee11.23.12 - 1:05 pm
If folks have recommendations for venues, 'm happy to chase them down and try to get in touch. How have finances worked in previous years with regard to leasing a place for the night? Do people just put money in a hat or what? Jonnyboy, when you say you can provide a soundsystem, I assume you mean a PA?
I've got a 32 channel digital mixer for running sound into the PA and driving monitors. I've got a PA but it isn't loud enough for a space the size of last year's venue. I've probably got access to a much larger PA if it isn't in use that night, but it wouldn't be free.
I can line up 2 bands for sure, they are already ready to go. We can have DJ's during set changes. If we can have the venue until the wee hours, I can definitely manage longer sets and/or more bands without little trouble. If there are other bands looking to play, please get in touch. If we can have the venue in the afternoon, we can do a soundcheck, and get scenes stored in the mixer for each band. It'll be nice to have musician volunteers for setup and teardown, too. Not to mention to act as guards on equipment, given recent history in the community.
What kind of numbers of people did we have in the room last year? As big as the space was, I don't remember that many people being inside at any given time. What size space are we looking for?
ideasculptor11.25.12 - 11:59 pm
In the past, when we had a financial need, we relied on angel doners to make it happen.
In 2009 we needed to come up with $400.
We put it out there via our circles and 4 people came up with the money. Biggest donation was $250. This money was given free and clear to the toy ride.
On other occasions people have loaned money to ACTR and gotten some or all of the money back later.
The first ACTR was funded by advance tee-shirt sales (to pay for venue costs and outhouses), other people pitched in to buy kegs and were reimbursed by donations.
As far as sound system goes ...
I'm sure we can come up with enough in the community that we wont need to rent anything. :-)
All City Toy Ride responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
11.26.12 - 9:19 am
Changing my holiday travel plans so I can make it to this.
mossygoodness11.26.12 - 11:45 am
los angelopes have enough speakers to fill any space (although we could always use more bass) I'm sure Jonny and Alaska would be willing to lend a sub or two to this good cause.
The Fort is a good idea, but what about getting back to our roots and doing this thing rent free. Our soundsystem is mobile, we have freak bikes that can carry a keg, lets do this on the streets! Dockweiller! Kenneth Han! Griffith Park!
newarkhouse responding to a
comment by All City Toy Ride
11.26.12 - 12:02 pm
i agree and i'm gonna lay it out like this: the mosey was sweet, however, when we got to the church.... everyone was outside for the first few hours. they were around the fire and partying hard. then i am assuming people moved inside for the DJ sessions.
the church and other venues as such are good (esp. in cold/rainy weather) however, i remember some awesome bike rides in the cold season when we did't go in doors. when we were free outside. where it was open and made fires in BBQ grills and huddled and cuddled to keep warm.
i'm down for some old school. i ahven't heard anything back from Cameron about the Fort. i say pick a park, let's ask the squirrels to use their magic and beautify the area, have the "sound team" go up their early and setup the sound equipment, jonnyboy on music bike - pumping out tunes as we ride.....
what's all this about $$$ ??
bondink responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
11.26.12 - 12:51 pm
I'm pretty sure Santa Youth is playing.
lackflag responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
11.26.12 - 2:17 pm
I'm gonna be point person on the charity job. If anybody wants to help, you can find an email address in my profile here.
lackflag11.26.12 - 2:18 pm
I got the word from Cameron and the Fort is not able to accomodate the ride. I'm with Sarah in finding a place that costs NO MONEY.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by bondink
11.26.12 - 2:22 pm
Santa Youth should definitely be playing! When will you be able to confirm?
Sam's band should play as well.
I'm wondering if we could find a power outlet at Hollenbeck?
If we have two bands and then DJs/Sound bikes that would seem to be ideal.
FYI Cameron offered to curate another band to play.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by lackflag
11.26.12 - 2:25 pm
I helped chynnadad with the sound last year and am willing to help out this year as well. Although if were doing it outside I dont know if much help is needed. If we cant find powre outlets im sure we can find a generator.
buckchin11.26.12 - 3:09 pm
Also I think stop locations should be discussed on the google group only to avoid unwanted authority figures
buckchin11.26.12 - 3:13 pm
my soundbike will be in attendance, as I'm sure a vast majority of other systems will be too that we can easily daisy chain together.
The only thing we can't really carry that well so far is a drumset which will be crucial for a live band to play... maybe someone could fashion a trailer with one on it? Donnie Pepper or one of those crazy church cats have any ideas?
jonnyboy11.26.12 - 4:23 pm
We also usually have some kind of vehicle at the spots to collect the toys, theres always the possibility of it carting gear to the stops?
buckchin responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
11.26.12 - 4:28 pm
Hell yeah that could totally work!
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by buckchin
11.26.12 - 4:41 pm
Im sure it's already been said but the main thing here is we get toys for kids. Nobody raves harder than us in public places at nite FOR FREE so the idea of spending any money on a locale instead of on the kiddies.. Well i dunno bout that. I guess some moolah could go toward a porta potty. OBV I have had a lot of fun at all 6 of our previous ACTRs, even if i chilled outside most of the time.
REGARDLESS the party will always be rite behind Jonnyboy's bike!! Here's to letting him and Alaska finish their sets!! And remember the train back to the 818 will be running late!!
tallcans4tallbikes11.26.12 - 6:31 pm
Thanks for stepping up.
Ms. Stephanie has handled it a bunch of times and dany zuko has done it to.
If you have questions, I would hit them up.
past charities have included:
LA City Department of Child Protective Services
alliance for childrens rights
East LA Women's Center
trickmilla responding to a
comment by lackflag
11.26.12 - 7:14 pm
Santa has been all day watching Kung Fu and drinking Day Quil. I asked him if he wanted to play and he just threw a trash can at me, which I take to symbolize a 100 percent yes.
lackflag responding to a
comment by Roadblock
11.26.12 - 7:44 pm
stay outside
andres8411.27.12 - 11:10 am
My band isn't even remotely interested in some kind of guerilla party. Its a 10 piece band with a fair amount of hardware that we certainly aren't going to lug around town at random and have no intention of losing to police impound, either. If that's the direction the community wants to go, we're definitely out.
ideasculptor11.29.12 - 10:31 am
come on go with my idea and sculpt it
andres84 responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
11.29.12 - 10:35 am
Is your band called Baby Eater?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ideasculptor
11.29.12 - 11:14 am
I'm still sold on outside all the way... long as borfo says it's not going to rain
jonnyboy11.29.12 - 1:09 pm
Just in case anyone was looking for a good, cheap, can't-miss toy, Walgreens has 3 good quality junior size footballs for $14. Just thought I'd share.
tallcans4tallbikes11.29.12 - 10:08 pm
I just talked to Child Protective Services.
We know what you've done and you're going to jail.
Oh, and also there will be a van at Olvera St. on December 14th, so
BRING A FUCKING TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lackflag12.3.12 - 11:53 am
So just to be clear, LACPS is confirmed?
trickmilla responding to a
comment by lackflag
12.4.12 - 8:18 am
Is there a general flyer I can post
dayone12.7.12 - 5:27 pm
Who ever did this poster should get some credit. Nice design!
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by All City Toy Ride
12.8.12 - 1:22 pm
Illustration by Jonny Pacific
Design by trickmilla
Font: Blackmoor LET (from
MR: Logo by skull
<3 LA logo by trickmilla
the illustration is based on some picture from the internet the assemblage is an updated reference to the famous sculpture by Picasso: "
Head of a Bull" witch has grown into a
trans-generational meme. .
All City Toy Ride responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
12.8.12 - 4:45 pm
awesome, thank you for the flyer...
dayone responding to a
comment by All City Toy Ride
12.8.12 - 5:43 pm
is there a laminate machine available in the community to make spoke cards?
dayone12.8.12 - 5:45 pm
or can anyone recommend a laminate machine that is not too expensive but functions well for spoke cards?
dayone12.8.12 - 5:57 pm
any feeder rides from these areas???
South Central LA
Huntington Park
South Gate
didn't see any on the site. KTHNX O_o
SharkDinosaurGunDynamite12.8.12 - 9:43 pm
I just posted a feeder ride from the Mid City area... the route it is really bicycle friendly and I welcome all types of bicycles as we will not ride fast... we want ppl to see us riding and having fun!!!! Funzie should show up haha...
if anyone does have a South LA ride we can probably meet up around Expo and Fig to make a BIGGER Group!!!!!
dayone12.9.12 - 10:12 pm
Who is handling the route? Please contact me via the email address in my profile. I have questions regarding toy pickup and music.
lackflag12.10.12 - 11:46 am
Valley heads ought to be rollin in to Olvera St. about 1030, barring any major setbacks, and we will have a grip of toys. Im curious which feeder route will bring the most... Heh heh
I strongly urge other route leaders to stop at a place that sells cheap toys, even a stop at a drug store would work. It would allow for party supplies to be picked up too...
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by lackflag
12.10.12 - 1:13 pm
Plan your feeder roll out times 1/2 hour earlier as we wanna get out of Olvera st. By 10:15
Seriously..... we're gonna lose a ton of people with the last trains...if it were up to me it would be 9:30...
barleye responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
12.10.12 - 2:07 pm
Im leading the main ride sent
barleye responding to a
comment by lackflag
12.10.12 - 2:08 pm
Pretty sure the trains run late on Friday and Saturday nite Brad. And give the Valley Heads some slack, we're riding over 25 miles to Olvera. We arent driving to the start like u, Mr. Flannel It!
tallcans4tallbikes responding to a
comment by barleye
12.10.12 - 2:16 pm
Can we change the banner to ACTR or is that just reserved for RWNN?
buckchin responding to a
comment by barleye
12.10.12 - 2:54 pm
I think roll out should be 10:30. Especially because my company party is the same night and I need time to get there. Thaaaaanks
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
12.10.12 - 3:33 pm
Keep in mind Brad has a curfew
buckchin responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
12.10.12 - 3:43 pm
Doesn't Brad always leave early anyway?
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by buckchin
12.10.12 - 3:47 pm
Give us til 1030-1045 at least. It's gonna take a sec to drop off the toys, and starting earlier isnt realistic for a lot of the Valley Ridazz I spoke with. We have to get off work, eat dinner, etc. Remember it's Midnight Ridazz, not 'Early Evening Ridazz'
JOKER responding to a
comment by barleye
12.10.12 - 6:42 pm
The Long Beach contingent will be leaving First and Pacific at 7:30 sharp. 21 miles to Olvera Plaza with an ETA of 10:00 pm.
Long Beach Ridazz, please be on time.
Creative Thing12.10.12 - 6:51 pm
I've posted the feeder ride from SouthEast LA (Huntington Park/South Gate).
Meeting at the Starbucks Parking Lot on Pacific Blvd and Belgrave at 8pm and riding at 8:30pm.
Still working on route details
BellaHenny responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
12.10.12 - 6:58 pm
No curfew suck a fat 1 wear a flannel 1030 is fine you guys are all pussies..
And yes ride with no name is the only banner acceptable.
And yes I do leave early fuck faces..
barleye12.10.12 - 7:14 pm
at least he didnt tell us to stay off his lawn again!
buckchin responding to a
comment by tallcans4tallbikes
12.10.12 - 7:36 pm
The first 6 years of this ride have all left close to 10pm...just get to olvera Street by's totally do-able.
Leave the valley by 8pm and you'll be there by 10 easily...
Buy toys this week...don't wait till friday night ...i'm not trying to be a me on that...all the valley rides each year have arrived by 10... this year shouldn't be any different..
barleye12.10.12 - 10:35 pm
Just lets try not to keep the good people picking up the toys be there too late.
They're the ones we're doing this for, after all.
lackflag12.10.12 - 11:49 pm
Thank you for organizing this B!!
brittany responding to a
comment by barleye
12.11.12 - 7:26 am
We leave at 8 sharp from the Valley. No argument there. But every single year we stop at Toys r Us to bag toys for the kids. It's the only stop we make on this lengthy route. Before u call us a bunch of names for wanting a measly 30 minit cushion I'd like to see u Mr. Brad make it from 818 to DTLA at such a pace. We can do it, we have done it, but that's our time table. Im not sure why we have to peel out at 1030 from Olvera but maybe u can share? Is that when u turn into a Pumpkin?
JOKER12.11.12 - 7:41 am
We'll get there and drop off the toys before too late, just give us a minit to crack a beer and catch our breath before we leave is all we're asking. Sheesh!
JOKER12.11.12 - 7:50 am
Seriously why are you guys being so hard on B???
Has the ACTR ever left later than 10:30? How did the Valley manage other years? I looked at past rides and it's a little unclear when roll time was, it does look like it's never met before 10.
Do you know Barleye? I doubt he will leave if a chunk of our riders are still on their way, especially his friends.
Wah wah wah wah wah.
B-rad the people make a good point about the trains running until 2. I plan to be out until 4AM anyway for this sucker, I doubt anyone who wasn't going to leave around 2 will leave around 2 just for the trains.
And the diehard riders will just be out all night at the park.
brittany12.11.12 - 8:21 am
Also can somebody pick the u-lock on my bike so I can go on this ride? Kryptonite Keeper. Hellppp.
brittany12.11.12 - 8:51 am
what is it locked to? and did you lose your keys?
adrian responding to a
comment by brittany
12.11.12 - 12:14 pm
some fucking awesome person put my key in my helmet that was locked with my frame and front nothing else. The key survived the car trip home and my bike is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
bike love. <3
brittany12.11.12 - 11:31 pm
Long Beach Ridazz, please be on time.
I'll be there! On time!
PC responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
12.12.12 - 3:47 am
There is no Westside----> ACTR posted as of now.
Someone please post it.
barleye12.12.12 - 6:47 am
can you leave at 11? i get off of work at 5 and live 5 miles from the start but wanna make sure i have enough time to hit the bong several million times before leaving and riding at a chill, mosey pace over to the start.
newarkhouse responding to a
comment by sack or crack you choose
12.12.12 - 11:43 am
@creative thing
Can you email me have questions about your route
dayone12.12.12 - 12:33 pm
Joe Borfo12.12.12 - 1:40 pm
I just saw 2 elves and Fumzie at the start of the Mid City feeder ride!!!! They had toys!!!!
So anyone near la cienaga and jefferson come on out.... our route is super easy so we can spread the fun
dayone12.13.12 - 8:23 am
Want to say thank you to TheRoyalAcademy for all his help tonight
dayone12.13.12 - 11:21 pm
Toy RIdazz!
I'm so psyched about tonight.
ACTR1 was my 3rd MR ride and by that 3rd ride was was beyond smitten.
Tonight is the 7th All City Toy Ride
Holy Fuck Yes!
I am quite heartened to see the Toy Ride grow and change under the loving support of a bunch of awesome ridazz that will never let this tradition fade.
You rule, LA!
Ride On Dawt Calm
trickmilla12.14.12 - 10:02 am
Dress warm kiddies!!! It's gonna be fucken cold (by LA standards). But don't worry, it's not gonna rain!
tallcans4tallbikes12.14.12 - 10:05 am

17 ride postings for today's event. Fuck yeah, can you feel that toy love?
TheDude12.14.12 - 10:50 am

CRANKY12.14.12 - 10:56 am
Also because the rides are generally male dominated I think a lot of guys will instinctually buy something for boys. Lets remember to diversify and get a bunch of toys for the girls too. Im planning on bring one of each
buckchin12.14.12 - 1:26 pm
Is this year's ACTR going to be all out doors or will we have stops that will shield us from the rain? A little info would be greatly appreciate so I can prepare accordingly. Thanks
PS Remember, it's for the kids!
July12.14.12 - 2:22 pm
FUNZIE™ will protect us all if we just believe...

Joe Borfo
12.14.12 - 3:32 pm
The mid city ride is not taking the train.... we are riding along the train until expo anf fig... from there we are taking fig passed LA live....
dayone12.14.12 - 4:03 pm
Only the truly adventurous will come out tonight! This is what you will need:
A toy
Dress warmly
Ponchos (not the hacienda dog, tho that would be an added bonus)
Coozies to protect your beer
Jack Daniels (to stay warm)
Cuddle puddles
Secret santa present
Your friends
Not a single fuck!!!!
If it didn't rain this would be ACTR. Suck it up!
bondink12.14.12 - 5:26 pm
andres8412.14.12 - 5:38 pm
Sooo much funzie! Everything I love, all in one ride. You all done good!
alicestrong12.15.12 - 11:04 am
Oh my funzie that was so RAD.
Thank you everyone for being the loving giving sharing caring community that we are. Wow.
The dept of children's services was so grateful. I vote we give to them every year.
Santa Youth killed it!
Roadblock12.15.12 - 1:43 pm
Why don't we do a charity ride every 3 months and have them be the beneficiary of them.
Last night was fun I actually stayed out till like 2am or so. Aren't you proud of me Norma?
barleye12.15.12 - 3:24 pm
have you ever seen the rain?
mikeywally12.15.12 - 5:42 pm
oh yes I am!! so so proud. who's a good litto rager? YOU ARE. <3
also, this was so beautiful. so much love, so many toys, so many kissies. i spent my whole trip up to SF thinking about each and every one of you who was being amazing and fun and lovely.
i just wish EVERY 2nd Friday was like this, that would be THEE shit.
KeepinEtNorma responding to a
comment by barleye
12.15.12 - 7:15 pm
Yup yup...I'm really glad to hear that the toy haul was decent despite the cold and rain hampering the turnout. I had a good time. The Ridazz always abide somehow....
PC12.20.12 - 10:11 pm
Thanks for the great ride. I even got to break in my new fenders at the ACTR. I was late arrive (peaky work) but I had a blast at ACTR. My favorite part was the ride fromt the park back to church for the afterhours party. I look forward to next year ride.
Eddie the Lazor12.29.12 - 2:21 am