Sunday Summer Ride

Thread started by
bondink at 02.1.13 - 1:35 pm

meet: C.R.A.N.K Mob Park at 1pm!
ride at 1:30 - bike time!
i have a route to Mustache Bridge and up to the Pacific Palisades to watch the sunset!!!
there with be some old haunts stops along the way, Beeeeeeeer, of course!!! and awesome burritos (we have a few options depending on when we get hungry)
warm during the day, chilly when the sun goes down.....
please come wewe for a day ;)
this was my first group ride in the culver city area, it was great also people helping each other, i'm hoping to see more rides on this area
zap responding to a
comment by bondink
02.3.13 - 11:54 pm