Ridazz Anthem

Thread started by
dav725 at 01.15.07 - 11:27 pm
That Midnight Ridazz Anthem is fascinating (I'm not going to say anything hateful here)...but it really shows the image that this group seems to want...very male, very badass...it really doesn't represent the many different types of people who ride....women, gay people, kids...don't you know this badass mentality keeps more people away because it's not very inclusive?
"That Midnight Ridazz Anthem is fascinating (I'm not going to say anything hateful here)...but it really shows the image that this group seems to want...very male, very badass...it really doesn't represent the many different types of people who ride....women, gay people, kids...don't you know this badass mentality keeps more people away because it's not very inclusive?"
yeah it's pretty macho on the surface. until you hear the irony of lyrics... "my thighs are hard as rock. my buns are made of steel" "try to roll up hard you get slashed by my wheel" hahaha c'mon those lyrics obviously have some some tongue in cheekiness going on... how badass can we possibly be if we sing about slapping our asses and blowing through reds.
and yeah sadly, MR is no longer more girls than guys. it certainly seemed like it used to be more girls than guys. There was definitily a female prescence and a strong gay and especially strong lesbian presence which really gave the ridazz a dignity and egalitarian feel.. but since the size of this ride got so large there has been a lot - too much testosterone. I agree with some of the things you say though..... we really try to encourage all people to ride....... and especially more females. in a respectful way. it is so empowering to meet females that ride bicycles. i love it. it's kind of rare it seems like... also I dont know what it is about the effect of female leadership or participation in ridazz but it seems to make things more peaceful and respectful of others. not trying to sound sexist... just seems like that.
if anyone steps up and has other Ridazz songs by all means share them I'll put em up there. all types of musical styles are accepted.
what musical style are you suggesting will speak to "gay people" and "kids" ? I didnt realize they had a distinct preference. I just chose punk rock type sound cause that's what I know how to play. but seriously those lyrics are so wimpy!
Roadblock01.16.07 - 1:55 am
my opinion? I wouldn't currently recommend these rides to noobies or women. There are too many other rides that are more suitable.
Whether Midnight Ridazz walks (or rides) the talk is beside the point. I appreciate being allowed to go on these rides but its not my ride, I just show up each month and hope for the best.
When it gets too much to put up with, I'll just quit showing up, ride somewhere else, and they can chalk it up to one less rider they have to worry about on these rides that are supposedly too large to have fun on anymore.
dave01.16.07 - 8:32 am
sorry, there are many noobs and many, many wimin who can easily blow me off the road...just generalising...
dave01.16.07 - 9:28 am
Any awesome girl-bands out there to fix up the anthem?
Joe Borfo01.16.07 - 9:47 am
"my opinion? I wouldn't currently recommend these rides to noobies or women. There are too many other rides that are more suitable. "
wow dave, that's a pretty silly statement... as though "noobies" and "women" are in the same category.... c'mon man you know better than that.
Roadblock01.16.07 - 12:13 pm
read on, I tried to take my foot out of my mouth...
But really, if I did manage to ever get my wife or daughter to join me on one of these tuesday nites, do you think they'd ever talk to me again? It'd have to be a much colder day in LA for that to happen.
Better that they go on a SpokeNArt or CruzzwithUs, or RideArc instead...even a CritMass...I'm workin on it, but I got to choose carefully, otherwise its ridin up and down in front of the santa monica pier or the LA river for me and my family...
dave01.16.07 - 12:46 pm
Geez, ok, ok, second fridays, what am I smokin anyways?
dave01.16.07 - 12:50 pm
RB="wow dave, that's a pretty silly statement... as though "noobies" and "women" are in the same category.... c'mon man you know better than that."
If he doesn't, I'd like to introduce him to some women who might change his mind a little. Silly is an understatement.
Jeronimo01.16.07 - 2:07 pm
well Dave I hate to break it to you and everybody else but this ride started out rough and hilly and it continues to be rough and hilly at times.... the first ride was 18 miles over some of the steeper hills in downtown and through echo park.... no one complained and by the second ride there were 3 times as many people hooting and hollering and having a blast. we must have been doing something right... now a days it's a struggle to keep the original adventurous spirit alive while keeping this mass of people together it's true. so what do we do? gut the ride of it's spirit and try to accomodate everyone? there are so many rides out there in LA now, yes precisely because of Midnight Ridazz, that it hardly makes one feel guilty that the 2nd Fridays is still sometimes about exploring new territory and yeah some hills.... though I would hardly consider Ride Arc or Critical Mass to be rides for beginners they cover large areas themselves, regardless though, you just mentioned 3 rides you can go on that you consider to be easier.... how lucky you are to be able to choose! and hey if you ever get it in you to start an "Easy Ridazz" man it's all you. This site is here bikeboom etc to promote that ride (whatever you decide to call it)
Roadblock01.16.07 - 2:15 pm
Like I said, its not my ride, you're free to take it in whatever direction suits you. just voicing my opinion.
Thanks for letting me know about the next rides. I haven't given up hope yet.
ride on.
In fact I have a ride up there. perfect for noobs and others, intended for noobs and others, feb. 18th. posted on all the ususal spots including here.
dave01.16.07 - 2:35 pm
btw point taken, dav725 I changed the name of the song to "Punk Rock Anthem" that way it hopefully won't come off as the end all be all anthem of Midnight Ridazz (which I honestly wasnt trying to do), only the punk rock version of hopefully many styles of anthems to come.... good fix or?
Roadblock01.16.07 - 3:44 pm
If I can try to step in here, I think the point that dav725 (who started this thread) was trying to make is getting lost here. I didn't think his statement was about the rides becoming more difficult (they're not), but rather about what he sees as the domination of the rides by a certain type of male energy (macho, aggressive, individualistic) at the expense of a more nuturing, inclusive Ridazz.
For what it's worth, Karl Jung stated that we all contain masculine and feminine qualities.
I'm not trying to put words in dav725's mouth, just trying to address the original point.
mr rollers01.16.07 - 3:55 pm
And yeah, I always took the Ridazz Anthem as being rather tongue in cheek. But you gotta be a little tough when you ride a bicycle.
mr rollers01.16.07 - 4:02 pm
damn your right rollers this topic went off on a tangent..... sorry
to me Ridazz is still about nurture and inclusiveness. which is probably why all the macho testosterone is out there.... because no one took the reigns and said "hey enough of these macho types showing up on the rides lets work to NOT include those types next time... or lets figure out how to not include the macho knuckleheads...." and the truth is that song appears to speak to the machos - unless you were to listen to the lyrics which are practically the opposite of macho IMHO. I mean I can't really see James Hetfield with gutteral screams about "buns of steel" but you never know considering their lousy track record of machoness.
anyhow.... I guess the best that can be done is to continue promoting the love and caring atmosphere that was always present from the beginning and seems to be lacking these days....
and if taking that song down brings back more of the nurture and love I'm all for it. damn Lethal Apes always causing problems.....
Roadblock01.16.07 - 5:10 pm
I don't think taking down the song is neccessary or desirable, but maybe we need to solicit a whole album's worth of anthems. Hmmm . . . Midnight Ridazz song contest?
Roadblock, I know you've done more than anybody to keep this going in the right direction . . . and that's no small thing.
The bikelove is still there, we just gotta keep feeding it. Maybe it's the old hippie in me talking, but I still like to think the good can overcome the bad eventually.
mr rollers01.16.07 - 6:16 pm
I think you should leave the anthem untouched.
I along with my 11 yr old daughter (whom plays that thing over and over) can relate to it even if we are riding around the block.There is no wall limiting the idea that you can ride a bike at 1 or 20 miles per hour to be a MRidaa.
On the Sunday Under Da Sun RIde, which was posted as all inclusie ride;many of the "macho types" including myself showed up to support the newbies,a fifty year old couple with thier daughters,a couple and thier kid, Sexy and his dadand many others that were cruising up a hill. Thanks SuperFish,Cole,Eric,Raymond and others.
It was a crawl , but these guys were happy to ride a slower pace then they are used to and the "inclusive" factor could not have been any stronger..
There's nothing wrong with my machismo showing as I ride my ass off listening to a tune as long as I know that just as easily I can ride with a bunch slow-fast paced,new,old,young,female,male riders and keep the objective in sight "Just Riding"
deesimple01.16.07 - 6:53 pm
and we had Cole's dog Johny riding with us.How much more inclusive can we get ???
deesimple01.16.07 - 6:58 pm
Cole has a dog named Johnny?! that's fucking awesome! Dee, when is the next under da sun ride? it looks like from the photos that it was a really great ride so sad that I missed it.
Roadblock01.16.07 - 7:48 pm
To tell you the truth, I never listened to it until tonight, it sounds good to me, don't change a thing.
dave01.16.07 - 8:08 pm
monovsstereo01.17.07 - 3:00 am
After reading this thread, I started working on another Ridazz song...
angle01.17.07 - 11:49 am
Anyone who acts macho will get jumped.
Joe Borfo01.17.07 - 1:08 pm
so where is the song? I want to listen to it.
11hzrobot01.17.07 - 2:40 pm
top of the main page.
Joe Borfo01.17.07 - 3:00 pm
okay...I'm imagining the acoustic/western version of the song...it's conceivable...
now, close your eyes and think of Gene Autry...on his horse...in a slow twang...
"♫ Midnight ridaazzz...♪ oh ooh ♪....ride on and on and on....♫"
adrian01.17.07 - 3:26 pm
we could have an acoustic anthem (both country and western!), a techno anthem, a rock ballad anthem, a blue grass anthem an indie rock anthem..... crooners, just takes some motivated people to make it happen....
Roadblock01.17.07 - 5:24 pm

Now lets stay on thread.....................
Joe Borfo for President 2008
sexy01.17.07 - 5:41 pm
What kind of music would work better for gay people and children...well, you have to admit that punk for MANY people is very aggressive and in your face. Punk is also very badass (lots of lyrics in punk songs are funny and try to counter as well but the overly aggresive attitude really stands out). Think of a song like Queen's "Bicycle" and you'll see the difference. I guess it depends on who you want to attract. I can't get alot of my female biker friends to go to Midnight Ridazz anymore because they think it is too male, too many empty beer cans thrown on the ground....we saw a car stop and ask a group of ridazz who they were. The angry response they got shouted back at them was, "We're Midnight Ridazz...who the FUCK are you?" I've seen guys run in to parked cars and just drive away, beer cans thrown at parked cars, people causing accidents with other bikers and just riding away.
Maybe the punk attitude, the punk anthem is really the wrong message to put out there. Maybe Midnight Ridazz is NOW meant to keep people away instead of inspiring them to join in.
dav72501.18.07 - 1:53 pm
.uh................. my brain hurtz.
Joe Borfo01.18.07 - 2:14 pm

Midnight Ridazz has always had a toungue in cheek "bad assness" about it.... the first flyer on the first ride captures that precisely by the statement "CUZ WE IN A GANG!" That's the kind of tongue in cheek bad assness that has fueled a lot of what Ridazz is.... we have a freeking skull as a logo. I mean that's arguably pretty "badass" and male.... yet for the first year or so it was all about fun, love and hooting and hollering and well supported by all...... I think most people understood the humor of a bunch of wimpy bicyle nerds using badass graphics to promote their cause....
Of course as more people started coming on the rides then more bullshit started. some would call it growing pains..... I can't say I haven't had my moments of rage at motorists..
that all being said, lets say your argument is accepted that having a "punk" song as the anthem is aggressive. maybe it's time to change the direction of what Ridazz graphics art and culture have been. maybe it's time to stop using tongue and cheek bad assness and replace with overt symbols of goodness? what would you suggest those symbols be?
serisouly, what would you propose? It's definitely something that has come up time and again...... I'd like to hear solutions. We could scrap the badass skull logo, we could scrap the badass anthem..... would that change the fact that mean ignorant people ride along? I'm not joking here I really want to hear some solutions. how can we tone down the people that refuse to nurture the good of the group? who is supposed to step to these people on the ride and regulate?
am I the only one who understands the humor of 1000 bicycle nerds making badass music and art?
Roadblock01.18.07 - 2:57 pm

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's no one anywhere that seems to know what to do with us. Now into it. We know the air is unfit to breathe, our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad. Worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore. We sit in a house as slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster, and TV, and my steel belted radials and I won't say anything." Well I'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad. I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crying in the streets. All I know is first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, "I'm a human being. God Dammit, my life has value." So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" I want you to get up right now. Get up. Go to your windows, open your windows, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Things have got to change my friends. You've got to get mad. You've got to say, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Then we'll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first get up out of your chairs, open your window, stick your head out and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Joe Borfo01.18.07 - 3:19 pm
"mindfuck" . . . yeh, probably, but we're into now, I guess?
"too many empty beer cans thrown on the ground...." (etc) I have no doubt about the behavior you've described, I've seen it too, but it didn't start recently, on Midnight Ridazz or anywhere else (personal historical point of reference: I got a flat tire running over broken beer bottle glass in front of the Whiskey in '78). In every scene there have been individuals who either just didn't get it, or intentionally used the cover of a group to act out anti-social behavior.
dav725, I don't want this to come off like I'm attacking you . . . I think your concerns are valid & sincere, but I feel the need to say this: It's true that a small minority can make us all look bad to outsiders or ruin the experience for newcomers, but I don't think this behavior is widespread or condoned by the vast majority of Ridazz and I don't think it's caused or encouraged by what is now known as the "punk rock anthem". For me, at it's best, punk rock (and for what it's worth, there are gay, lesbian and feminist punk rock bands) is about anti-conformity, self-reliance, and the freedom to think and act, all wrapped up in an enticing musical package.
mr rollers01.18.07 - 8:24 pm
Kind of like punk itself, no? At least in LA, the first punks were nerds and art-school types who used the skulls and badass imagery in a tongue-in-cheek way. Then word began to spread, and new folks came into the scene who were, erm, maybe not so bright...or at least not so capable of picking up on complex things like irony or self-deprecating humor. Pretty soon, the ass-kickings and club-trashings commenced, and the rest was history (and so were the original punks).
Moral of the story? Symbols can be weirdly powerful sometimes. Powerful enough to take on lives of their own, or at least to escape the control of the people who use them.
Solution? Well, maybe it's time to start using rainbow 'n' lollipop imagery in a tongue-in-cheek way--The Hug A Motorist Ride! The Inclusiveness and Equality Ride! The No, I Insist, After YOU Ride!--and see how long it takes for the joke to become the real thing. I mean, maybe that's how you've got to do things nowadays in the Age of Irony.
Ha ha. Just kidding.
Or am I?
PC01.18.07 - 11:03 pm

I don't know if you ever get thanks for all of this that you have done to keep something alive and well that look as if it was going to be disbanded by it caretakers. THANK YOU MAN!
First the website is kick ass. We all use this for so many things bicycle. Is this site free for you to operate? I doubt it, but I never heard of anybody asking for funds to operate it. For better, or for worse(I should use my time more productively-this site is so entertaining to me) I look at the site almost everyday. Thank You.
You got all sorts of folks who are new to this creating rides and making spoke cards, and routes. This is great, when I came into this scene during bike summer. I was so impressed with all the rides. I didn't know how people did it with such ease, and had to figuer out how to create rides on my own. This site gets folks together to create the ride as a group, a community. It so much eaiser to do anythings as a group. Thank you
The Anthem, from the reading on this post, sounds as if you wrote it. Very cool of you to put your art out as a song so everyone can enjoy and have a song to latch on to these rides, beside everybody else's verision of the Alman Brother's Midnite Rider. Thank You
Now I'm going to bitch. You give too much energy to these energy sucking, nay sayers.
I'm tired of all these people getting pissie about
life in the big city. Shit happens and yes we all have done things that we didn't realize was the wrong move, and now knowing better, wish we didn't. Yes we should bring it to peoples attention. MRdz is what it is, for me it is a party on wheels and people do get a little outta control at parties. That's what makes parties fun.
I can't believe people are getting upset about a song. Folks, if you don't like the party, you don't like the music, just remember somthing put a lot of time, soul, energy, and love to make it happen. Don't give it a hard time, enjoy it
Another Thank You. MRdz before this website, was really inclusive. I never really felt as I was welcomed at MRdz before. When people would ask me if I rode with MRdz, I would tell them no, but I crash their parties. You have really opened this up to everyone. Maybe too much, by give credence to so much negative energy, but that your choice. Live your life, the way you want Bro. I would never tell anyone how to do it. Make suggestions, sure.
As for throwing beer cans on the streets. I suggest people throw towards the sidewalk, as I and I think most folks do. It's like dropping nickles on the ground for the countless folks that recycle for a living. Even when I'm by a trash can, I put the recyclables outside the can for easy access. I have yet to seen or meet anybody who has crashed into cars or thrown beer cans or bottles at them. Then I don't think I have ever meant Joe Borfo either, and he sounds like a good time,(or at least looks supercool in his bunny suit holding up a chain ring with a A suround by a heart).
As for riders cutting off other riders. I feel it the responsiblity of those behind to be nimple enough and watch the rider in front. I ran into this gal back tire and fell of my tandem and injured my stroker. Like a dork I blamed her, as a knee jerk reaction. I realized it was my fault for not watching, even though she did something that most would consider cutting me off. I apologize for blaming her if she reading this. The point is, I should have been watching.
For all you Nay Sayers, I say "enough".... The rides, the site, the people and the song are all cool. It where I come to have a good time(and have a good time, I do), I think you all do too. See you on the next ride.
Ride ON!
sexy01.19.07 - 12:41 am
Right on ,Ride On sexy..
I also have yet to meet those riders that Dave is talking about,,,
He sure must be monotoring the rides.How does he find the time tolook where he's riding.
I dont mean to be disrspectful but I think the line between concern and nagging has been crossed on his part. RB is just to nice to call it.
No more spotlight for naggers
deesimple01.19.07 - 2:14 am
I don't suppose we could somehow acquire the dexterity to put our crumpled up beer cans in our backpacks or messenger bags, could we? Then at the end of the ride, pile them somewhere for the street recyclers to find, rather than uglying up people's neighborhoods by tossing them on the sidewalk? Just a suggestion, and if anybody feels that I'm nagging, please feel free to nag about it.
PC01.19.07 - 3:28 am
When Nazi dickheads invaded the SF punk scene (attracted by superfast and superaggressive music) Dead Kennedy's penned "Nazi Punks: Fuck Off!"
Maybe somebdy needs to pen a Ridazz Songs that goes "Litta bugzz litta bugzz litta bugz: fuck off!" (those lyrics are up fro grabs by the way).
I have to reitterate sexy's comment. Thanks to RB and all the people who keep this thing going. I know that in no time I will have seen 1000 miles of L.A. from my bike thanks to the Ridazz and this badass site.
The only reason there is 1 ridazz anthem is because only one group or person (you can never tell these days) had the balls, drive, and love to make an MR anthem.
Please people, don't make complaints, MAKE A SONG.
and yes please do leave your recyclables where the shopping carts will find them.
litta bugz fuck off!
trickmilla01.19.07 - 7:55 am
I never was much of a people person. But I'm beginning to see how this works.
You need to pat yourself on the back with one hand while you slap your face with the other.
dave01.19.07 - 8:23 am
After thinkiing about this for a while, I'll tell you why I come on these rides. I like riding my bike. Its the only ride on that night (second Fridays) that I'm aware of, and I generally enjoy riding in group rides (rides with a lot of people).
I don't want to say how to manage the ride, that's an individual choice, or maybe a group concensus, and overall I think the Ridazz are well managed. All I can say is what I don't like about the rides, and I don't think I do a good job of that, because alot of it is just perceptions. Its not about the hills, every ride has hills, LA has hills, its part of life. I'm sorry I ever mentioned hills. And its not about the lengths of the rides either.
I personally don't think there's anything particularly special about a MR ride, if I could bike to a local ride on that nite, I'd most likely go there instead, merely for the convenience of it.
There were rides before MR, there's rides now, whether inspired, inspite/despite, or whats a MR ride? There'll be rides after Midnight Ridazz is gone. If I like the rides, I'll be back next time, if I don't like the rides I'll find something else to do, no big deal.
And so what, I'm just one, ok, maybe there's a couple of us, squeeky wheels out of 1000+ other people who go on these rides, or of the 25 or so who contribute to these forums, so keep on keepin on, you must be, and are, doing somethings right.
dave01.19.07 - 11:00 am
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."
-Gandhi (i think)
Basically if you sit on your ass and wish for things to happen/change they won't. Stop bitching and do something.
-pick up some trash
-make up your own song
-tell the asshole(s) to stop acting up
-hug a motorist
and most importantly...
420LaHaRR01.19.07 - 11:06 am
...yeah this is a dead thread...discussions are for wimps...shoot from the hip and fuck em if they can't take a joke...
dave01.19.07 - 12:43 pm
Roadblock responding to a
comment by dave
01.19.13 - 12:32 am
Drive your fucking S-U-V!
someone make a song of this chant I made up please?
louisiana01.19.13 - 2:06 pm
i sung it at an suv in a parkinglot that was moving like a turtle today
louisiana01.19.13 - 2:07 pm
Read this reasonable description. The hokuo system is family tradition.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
01.20.13 - 1:29 am
Roadblock01.20.13 - 1:29 am
If your going to quote a page and call it reasonable you might want to read the whole page. Try opening the part that says "Household registration in China" you just click your mouse on the words, it opens up the rest of the page
sexy01.20.13 - 12:54 pm
I had read it. Yeah, if you move you lose services. If you didnt you keep services.They have 1.2 billion people and a large land mass. Its essentially the same as grouping together 5-8 large countries. Without managing their population migration china wouldnt be poised as it is today to have the worlds largest middle class of 700,000,000 people next generation. Is everyone going to enjoy the benefits? Nope. But they sure did make progress considering the scale of what was at hand.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
01.20.13 - 1:40 pm
here are some more things for you to consider....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
01.20.13 - 9:12 pm
Why is it that I should consider a wiki (knowing that I really don't look to wiki as a reliable source) link?
What is that I should consider about Autonomous regions of China? Are you saying Free Tibet? Tibet is considered to be an Autonomous region of China that was ruled by a Theological dictatorship of which ruled over 95% of those in a feudal serf and slave system. In which the Peoples Army have broke the monks free of the Dali Lama's rule.
Don't tell Richard Geare, Kerry Dumbaugh, Gary Locke or MCA about this
but I really don't trust the State Department and its NGO croonies Hopefully you will clarify what you thought was so important about the a wiki write up on Autonomous regions in the PRC?
Maybe you should consider
sexy responding to a
comment by Roadblock
01.20.13 - 10:07 pm
"autonomous regions" basically shows that the situation was a lot more complex than people simply having the freedom to move around where ever they feel in China. if you look at the 20th century history of China it was less than a generation after a civil war in which ethnic regions were not yet politically ready to meld into one free state. it's like I said before, look at the granular. China is evolving in stages and managing huge amounts of people and opportunity. denying people services from one region to another was a way of managing such a huge population that only recently emerged from a civil war. sure there was injustice but not much more injustice than what happened here with native americans who were not allowed services or the ability to move in the same manner. basically I'm saying what I said the other night. shit is basically the same here. China, like I said last night has been relaxing it's enforcement because guess what? migration is happening the worlds largest middle class is forming right now and like I said last night, they would be stupid to deplete their resources first. basic strategy is to deplete your own resources LAST.
all these western energy companies are inducing our dumb asses to invade and allow energy companies to set up shop in middle east and african nations so that next generation the energy giants will be selling oil to the worlds next super power.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
01.21.13 - 1:05 am
Thanks Sexy! I'm just going to reply to the Sexy of years past from now on in this thread... :)
Roadblock responding to a
comment by sexy
01.21.13 - 1:09 am
wow... this comment is like a premonition of sorts...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by PC
01.21.13 - 1:11 am
Roadblock, we should get the band back together!
rev10601.22.13 - 10:08 am