Dude nailed that backflip...super funny video as well.
andres8402.28.13 - 1:39 am
Yeah he did!!!! It shocked the hell out me when he did it. I talked to him later that night and it was the first time he has ever been to MNR. Real Cool dude.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by andres84
02.28.13 - 7:49 am
i want to stop watching this but it's way too entertaining.
KeepinEtNorma03.1.13 - 12:20 am
soooo goood! wish I was there!!
J_Cali03.1.13 - 11:01 am
The Green Ranger doing a front flip on MNR just happened.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by _iJunes
03.7.13 - 4:08 pm