ATTN: Roadblock

Thread started by
brittany at 03.18.13 - 10:29 pm
Why did you take down that post?
You always always always say you never take down a post unless you think it would ruin the forums or something or other...
How was that post any different from anyone else getting flamed on the boards?
How is his case different from Lena's, from anyone elses???
Just to protect one of your own, that's all I see.
I'm sure you can explain. ??
Why did you drop that deuce that is longer then you?
Does this have something to do with sharing the love that you talk about?
Is this part of the "Social Contract" for the common good?
sexy03.18.13 - 11:25 pm
Yes actually.
I wish I used the words "social contract."
brittany responding to a
comment by sexy
03.19.13 - 1:46 am
I'm hoping the Tyrone thread gets pulled soon...cuz that dude's a BITCH!
barleye03.19.13 - 6:17 am
Honestly, i didnt want to take it down but i did because the person who posted the thread wanted it down because it jeopardizes their living situation.
Pretty sickening though to hear that someone could be so stupid and nearly kill a bunch of his friends.
Its about the worst shit ive ever heard of in our community and i hope it gets resolved and everyone learns from it.
Roadblock03.19.13 - 6:27 am
I know this is real important and Ima let u finish, but do you have final results from the Wolfpack race? Also, when are you gonna update the banner? I dont mean put the old one back, I mean update it with some Ridazz who matter that weren't on the first one. RBI was still on it, and Choppercabras Paul wasn't for example.
JOKER responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.19.13 - 8:18 am
I'm glad you feel the same Barleye.
Tyrito responding to a
comment by barleye
03.19.13 - 8:29 am
We all know about you being Lord of the threads.
but what about your B.M.'s?
sexy responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.19.13 - 3:53 pm
and your interest in lower g.i. functions comes from where?
statler responding to a
comment by sexy
03.19.13 - 4:05 pm
Seriously, RB. We've discussed your BM's before. Sometimes you eat too much hummus. How are they doing? Healthy? On schedule?
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by sexy
03.19.13 - 4:49 pm
That makes sense. Thank you for answering.
I wouldn't hold out much hope for "resolved" and "learns from it" but .... dream big!
brittany responding to a
comment by Roadblock
03.19.13 - 5:39 pm
Don't you mean hoommoos when referencing Roadblock's bean intake?
jennygirl responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
03.19.13 - 6:02 pm
happens to be his favorite topic of conversation.
Just like when a person talks about their dog, you ask them how the dog is when you see them.
sexy responding to a
comment by statler
03.19.13 - 6:40 pm
which word is censored on this website???
andres8403.19.13 - 9:27 pm
RB- I'm still waiting for your revise recipe.
also, if that's the secret to good bm's.... PLEASE SHARE IT I NEED
Coe coe buttaa03.19.13 - 10:39 pm
brittany is the perfect troll. i don't mean to be mean. it's just brilliantly true. i don't think she even realizes it. is that irony? an oxymoron? maybe i'm just high. nope. she's the perfect troll.
when a thread is taken down it's kinda like fight club.
moving on......
so, Wolfpack Marathon results: Evan Stade (was on the Jet Blue Wolfpack Team) was first overall, geared. Phoenix, AZ took men's fixed. women's is unknown for now.
the DTLA crit is in June.... 2013 is awesome.
bondink03.20.13 - 12:07 am
HAHAHA^ and YAaaAAaa, crit baby crit!
Xray responding to a
comment by bondink
03.20.13 - 12:32 am
That real nice bondink
What does any of that have to do with Roadblocks B.M.'s???????
sexy responding to a
comment by bondink
03.20.13 - 12:55 am
Another million dollar idea down the toilet.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.20.13 - 9:45 am
sorry I'm new I'm still learning the rules.
It was my first thread taken down I didn't feel like messaging RB.
the forums are a kind of funny backwards world where the trolls are the people and the people are trolls.
I don't care if he deletes this. I just wanted to know.
brittany responding to a
comment by bondink
03.23.13 - 11:39 am
Let's get the band back together!
rev106 responding to a
comment by brittany
03.25.13 - 9:10 am