Highland Park

Thread started by
jayz at 04.5.12 - 10:16 pm
Hey Ridazz, so I just moved in to Highland Park... Just wondering if there are any rides around the area???
Yo Hova, come to polo in Highland Park tonite. 7pm, 4530 Mosher at Montecito Heights rec center, we'll be at the tennis courts. Ave 43 and Mosher, roughly.
JOKER04.6.12 - 10:01 am
There is usually a Tuesday night ride that starts at Jairo's bike shop on eagle rock blvd. Typically about 15 people and we do alot of fun routes. All bikes are encouraged to come.
cultrhino04.6.12 - 1:22 pm
spoke and art i think. im not sure if its still happening. downtown los angeles is very close there might be rides there.
andres8404.6.12 - 10:16 pm
Spoke N Art goes hard. Best ride there is to date. Friendly riders. It's slow paced so you can talk to people. Basically the best ride of the month.
palucha6604.7.12 - 1:46 am
I would just go to bike polo there is a beginners night that is really picking up momentum on Monday nights.
Satire04.8.12 - 1:10 am
Come to the NELA ride this tuesday http://www.midnightridazz.com/viewStory.php?storyId=7667
cultrhino04.16.12 - 10:55 pm