Thread started by
palucha66 at 07.15.09 - 5:05 pm
is anyone going to this
I don't know, just fucking around.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 5:08 pm
When and where is it starting anyway? Im going to be passing through hollywood.
tortuga_veloce07.15.09 - 5:29 pm
all the info u will need
palucha66 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.15.09 - 5:31 pm
Midnight riddaz rules state " no commercialism"..
Debut213 responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 5:34 pm
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.15.09 - 5:37 pm
then dont post that nike shit here then...
Debut213 responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 5:38 pm
it havent posted anything I was just asking who goes to this ride. And i dont care what you have to say about it
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.15.09 - 5:39 pm
ok already, I get the point. Dont let the door hit you on the way out
Debut213 responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 5:48 pm
its a bike ride asshole chill out. fucking hustle and then you get free beer and tacos. awesome alright. this thing is no threat to MR so stop acting like it is. it mostly fixed gear guys who dont do MR anyways.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.15.09 - 5:51 pm
Doesnt change ur sell out status.. Go drink ur cheap beer ASSHOLE and sell ur community out..
Debut213 responding to a
comment by larsenf
07.15.09 - 5:57 pm
Some one has to get laid lil grouch the ride sounds fun
ThunderCunt responding to a
comment by larsenf
07.15.09 - 6:00 pm
Nike isnt doing this for the riders cause! there just fucking taking ur picture and studying what you are wearing. That way Nike can come up with some snazzy new products for the hispters to buy...
Debut213 responding to a
comment by DAYLO
07.15.09 - 6:04 pm
for the riders cause? as far as im concerned it is as much as any ride. every ride furthers to popularize biking and well isnt that the point. the more people on bikes the less in cars, the better off everyone is. so what if nike is a fucked up company, then how about you dont get you picture taken and drink all their beer.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.15.09 - 6:06 pm
now, if ADIDAS is doing this, i am down.
DAYLO07.15.09 - 6:08 pm
im sick of this hipster hate, we are the reason they are riding bikes and now you assholes are bitching about it. im glad hipsters are on bikes, im glad for anyone who rides a bike. just like im glad for anyone who does anything to help out others and our planet.
larsenf07.15.09 - 6:09 pm
If they are still doing this in a few weeks we should have an Angelopes beer raid.
franz07.15.09 - 6:09 pm
you really think nike needs subservient marketing techniques such as this to find out that hipsters wear tight pants and v neck shirts? well, i guess if your head is so far up your ass all you are aware of is shit, sooooo...
ruinedbyidiots07.15.09 - 6:10 pm
"i guess if your head is so far up your ass all you are aware of is shit".
quote of the day. made me chuckle.
DAYLO responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.15.09 - 6:13 pm
i went last week and stilline pulled that. he showed up on his triple tall kids bike to a ride that was 98% fixed gears and a "hustle." i then watched him get plastered double fisting free PBR after the ride.
larsenf responding to a
comment by franz
07.15.09 - 6:14 pm
I dont know why people get into fights online so easily. The only reason i posted this is just to see if anyone is going to this ride. Then I get called a sellout
palucha6607.15.09 - 6:15 pm
people like to troll.
DAYLO07.15.09 - 6:16 pm
hey man, id sellout for free beer and tacos too.
larsenf responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 6:17 pm
palucha hasnt been around long enough to sell out anything.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by larsenf
07.15.09 - 6:17 pm
meh its typical either way im still going to the ride. If anyone wants to find me I'll be wearing a blue flannel. NO HATE
palucha66 responding to a
comment by DAYLO
07.15.09 - 6:17 pm
So how fast would you say this is? How big was the group?
Gav responding to a
comment by larsenf
07.15.09 - 6:23 pm
I know I talked a lot of shit about this ride before I ever went on it but after doing it once I have to agree with larsen.
This is one of many cycling events that doesnt really embody the "midnight ridazz ideal" however it is fun.
I had a good time on the last one.
You dont have sign a waiver to ride..... unless you want to drink the free pabst at the finish.
Call me a sell-out if you want but fre beer is free beer.... lets finish last and make sure they run out of pabst before we leave.
stillline07.15.09 - 6:25 pm
well it depends on you Gav if you wanna hustle you can go in the front if you wanna be moderate you can stay with the rest of the group. Its a pretty great ride
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Gav
07.15.09 - 6:25 pm
They dont go as long or as hard as WPH but they do go pretty fuckin fast and they tend to skip the one and only stop.
I finished in time for the beer on my tallbike last time.... but if you want to be at the front bring your legs....or some gears.
stillline07.15.09 - 6:28 pm
RBI is wrong, as usual.
Theyre going to be photographing everything you wear. Pretty soon those nifty hip bags made in DTLA and mainly sold at orange 20 are going to be made in malaysia with a reflective swoosh on them. You might even see some staged shots of kids on fixies dressed as peter pan. PBS did a documentary on market research called "the merchants of cool."
tortuga_veloce07.15.09 - 6:28 pm
im wearing a nike hat in the picture of me in the header on this website. are you mad? i hope you are. lots of companies were making hip bags before jonnyboy.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.15.09 - 6:31 pm
just wait for his usual responses. Ur denser than salt water or you mad?
Get some new lines creep.
@ Stilline- Tell me it ant so brother, Not you too!!
Debut213 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.15.09 - 6:33 pm
I ware v necks and tight jeans does that make me a hipster?? O_o? Do you have to be white to be a hipster?? Kus I'm not white what's a hipster??
ThunderCunt responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.15.09 - 6:50 pm
Fighting on the Interwebs is like the Special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.
Foldie responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.15.09 - 6:52 pm
I went last week almost by accident.
What a chaotic cluster-fuck of a ride.
Like a cross between crankmob and wolfpack.
But blasting at my own pace from hwhood to dtla and back with a group of cool people was actually pretty fun.
Free snacks and beer wasn't bad either.
I 100% can not understand how Nike can support this it was a disaster waiting to happen.
All the risk of Wolfpack with none of the discipline, leadership, or camaraderie. Not as fast but at times, much more hectic.
It only commercialization if you buy it. Period. It has nothing to do with Midnight Ridazz really. Its the Jockified Corpratized version of what we do. But some how it was funner than that sounds. Whatevz. I'd go this week but I am
Djing at Barcade. So yeah ... Fuck Nike ... skip this ride and buy beers at above free prices and hear music that its 1,000,000x better. Yey I hijacked the NIKE thread. I'm a sellout hijacker.
trickmilla07.15.09 - 6:57 pm
Its true. I like free beer and riding fast in LA traffic. Smash up to the front and call me out if you want.
stillline07.15.09 - 6:58 pm
My lady just came home talkingabout some kids she saw form the bus riding crazy as fuck to that nike ride.
I'd be really fucking surprised if there isn't atleast 1 really bad crash b4 this nike series is over. not to be cryptic ... but some of the people on that ride are craaaaazy and its contagious.
trickmilla07.15.09 - 7:09 pm
Anyone wanna mash from Hwood to DtLA and back, drink some beers DURING the ride...without high school kids, and not be sponsored by Nike? Let me know.
homemadecanoe07.15.09 - 7:25 pm
Your going to miss the MOSEY for this comercial of a ride!!!
I wouldn't miss the mosey for just any mediocre ride besides your a big boy you can make ur own desicions. Have fun. Ride safe...
Debut213 responding to a
comment by stillline
07.15.09 - 8:11 pm
If you are worried about Nike stealing your cool with their cameras or whatever, then show up to their ride wearing dockers and a polo shirt. Get all your friends to do the same. Let the corporation try to sort out the trend value of
your bland clothes from the bland clothes of the skinny-jeans crowd.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.15.09 - 9:11 pm
We should have crashed the Nike ride on recumbent tandems and wearing neon reflective vests.
dokydoky07.15.09 - 9:55 pm
I just got home from this ride.
It was not bad at all.
I do not buy Nike stuff, and I'm way out of their target demographic.
I loved the faster pace, but this led to the splintering of the group of 100 plus riders early in the ride. The fastest ones quickly disapeared when groups behind them got stopped at traffic lights. The cops seemed to be expecting us, the way they monitored us on Sunset from Vermont to Glendale blvd. I stoped at most of the red lights and watched the blinkies slowly fade into the distance. Some folks got tickets for running reds.
That said, I settled into a group doing a brisk pace. We covered 21 miles in a little more than an hour.
So, I loved the faster riding, which is hard to come by in most rides outside of Wolfpack. The food was tasty and the beer was cold (and free).
They took my picture, but they can do what they want with my thrift store cut off knickers and bike nashbar jersey. I really don't think Nike needs to do product research at this level anyway.
For a fun packed evening, all the food I could eat and beer I could drink, I spent $2.50 for the metro to and from Long Beach.
Not bad, not bad at all.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by palucha66
07.16.09 - 2:08 am
Technically, y'all must've been the Nike Missiles, streaking through the starlit streets with flames coming out of those rear nozzles.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
07.16.09 - 4:03 am
perhaps if i spoke douchebag, you'd be able to comprehend my words:
fashion marketers research styles, not function, idiot. perhaps today instead of trolling, you can go to, look up that documentary and learn something, rather than ignorantly preaching that you're right. if you did, you might even learn something. you wont.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.16.09 - 9:52 am
No one click this link. It's for oodlepoodles eyes only.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.16.09 - 10:12 am
i watched that merchants of cool documentary in high school. whats your point? still mad because youre so slow? maybe some fresh nike clothes will make you faster.
ruinedbyidiots07.16.09 - 10:18 am
yes, you are faster than me tyler. i'm sure that comes in handy when you are trying to run away from all the people who dislike you.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.16.09 - 10:46 am
never, you have an abundance of faults to make fun of.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.16.09 - 10:51 am
there would be nothing concise about it. i'll just have to refer you to all the threads in which people have called you out. here's a small sampling to get you started:
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.16.09 - 10:58 am
if theres no concise list then i have no faults.
signed - the spoiled rich kid from burbank.
ruinedbyidiots07.16.09 - 11:01 am
Damn, you foos are seriously arguing about this... If people wanna go, then they wanna go. If they don't, then they don't. To each his own. Apparently, people had fun. :)
northernsoulbyrd07.16.09 - 11:07 am
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.16.09 - 11:09 am
Are you being serious? Cuz calling someone out online is just as lame as talking shit online, LOL. Plus, he doesn't mean half the shit he says... Relax.
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.16.09 - 11:21 am
are you srsly that blind to my sense of sarcasm???
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
07.16.09 - 11:25 am
the ride itself was pretty cool. i was really interested in what Nike was doing and who organized it. Apparently the principal organizers were a bunch of guys from a high-end sneaker store called "undefeated." the route was cool, although the "ride," which consisted of people of all skill levels, ended up getting pretty stretched out. there was a cubcamp-speed hustle in the front and a slow mosey in the back.
Nike had some photographers and a videographer and were getting a ton of pictures of us. it was definitely a unique experience. as for the food, the blueberry crumb bars were off the hook.
i probably wouldnt have had fun if i didnt know half the people who were there. i also saw a few people i knew from outside of MR, which was nice. a lot of people showed up at 8 for the party, so the ride wasnt actually required to get the free food. it was funny to see a lot of "hollywood socialites" who showed up to be seen. stilline started screaming at the end "why are there so many girls here who don't ride?"
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
07.16.09 - 11:26 am
aw, man. that shit sounds like it was fun! i wish i went now. when's the next one? and where does it meet up at?
northernsoulbyrd responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.16.09 - 11:37 am
i think i tried to convey the sarcasm right about here:
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
07.16.09 - 11:39 am
there are two more: next wednesday and the wednesday after that. get all the free food you can eat!
tortuga_veloce07.16.09 - 11:41 am
imma hit this up, fuck wndsrs! fuck your bike..ughhhh
66607.16.09 - 3:28 pm
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.16.09 - 3:41 pm
Yet another reason not to go to this ride..
Posted on craiglist today
Hi Everyone. I just had my bike stolen yesterday at the Nike Sportswear & CTRS SPIN MOVE Session. I have attached a picture of the bike for help. It is a Schwinn Tempo with black deep V style wheels. If anyone know any information please shoot me an email. i have a small reward for any one who returns it. Thanks
Debut21307.16.09 - 5:37 pm
Like bikes haven't been stolen on any other rides <_<. But sucks for your bike getting jacked.
eldente responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.16.09 - 5:50 pm
I should clairfy that its not my bike. I found this on craiglist.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by eldente
07.16.09 - 5:52 pm
So, I was reading about some tumult it Arcata land, once again. Would you like to hear the hubub? or no? If so, will will let my tappin' fingers do the tappin'.
tern07.16.09 - 5:57 pm
...I was thinking about giving you all some piquant quandaries from the land that is north, and more beautiful. than. yes.
But it looks like takers are tasters. What in the fuck does that mean, holmes?
tern07.16.09 - 6:15 pm
Here is a peak into the story I was thinking about telling tonight:
A man and woman argued at near-nuclear levels in a Valley West parking lot, the better to understand each others’ points of view. He, a stupid bastard, had been drinking, while she, a damn bitch, was in a more advanced state of intoxication. The actual crux of the argument was a personal matter, thank you, and police saw them off to separate budget motels for the duration of the alcohol.
tern07.16.09 - 6:17 pm
never mind...the people of this holy place will live another day without our nosy inquiries. Have a nice night. Don't fight.
tern07.16.09 - 6:19 pm
Also near the Oregon border, in the disputed State of Jefferson, with kick-ass Salmon fishing.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by stillline
07.16.09 - 7:15 pm
u guys are still fighting over the same thing
palucha6607.16.09 - 8:22 pm
If MR isnt a breeding ground of cool, then why do most riders look/dress the same?
You dont have to buy Nike... but they've been in cycling longer than most of you.
If Nike wants to promote cycling--Im all for it... get more people on bikes... does it come at a cost, sure-- a few wacks lose their obscure sense of cool....
exploitation? where are your bikes made?
Hate oil, what about the oil on your bikes?
Love the environment? can is still ride on trails?
Gonna criticize Nike, when MR is filled with drug references, riding moms, and selling sex... how is MR any different?
If MR was promoting something valuable, you might always not notice from the ride postings.
Is Mom Riders, the best we can do?
md207.17.09 - 2:40 pm
I try to buy local as much as I can. the issue is that the sooner homespun products are produced in sweatshops, the sooner the people who produce them locally go out of business.
that said, i still think its for the best if Nike wants to "promote cycling." i met the guys who work at that expensive sneaker shop that put on the ride. they were pretty cool guys. i'd never spend that much on a sneaker, but they were cool guys. if their corporate sugar daddy wants them to have a good time, invite their friends and drink their booze so they can take pictures of us, so be it.
if you want to change Nike, why not wear a shirt that lets Nike know that you think American-made clothing is cool? it worked for American Apparel! when Nike decides that it's good business to stop exploiting people in the third world, they will--if only to the extent that it helps their bottom line.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 2:55 pm
i guess what i'm trying to say is that Nike's decision to spend more money on sponsorships such as Lance Armstrong, while cutting costs on labor is all a part of a grand business model.
imagine if they had spent more money to give their workers a fair wage: would they have taken a chance sponsoring a cancer survivor who was deluded enough to think he would race again?
the question is "what sells?" so don't blame Nike for putting coolness and athleticism above fair working conditions; blame the consumer (ruinedbyidiots) for supporting them.
tortuga_veloce07.17.09 - 3:00 pm
hey i buy NIKE clothes......well just shoes
palucha66 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 3:05 pm
no, but i'm glad to see you've finally run out of stupid things to say.
i'm not against people buying nike; i only wish that people be conscious of the consequences of their purchasing decisions. if some woman only has a hundred dollars to feed her family for a month, i can't blame her for going to walmart, although there many and oft-quoted consequences to supporting that company: to or society, our democracy and the well being of people around the world.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 3:21 pm
like enslaving third-world children and making them work for pennies?
palucha66 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 3:23 pm
yeah, youve taken over, what with thinking that wearing a tshirt is going to change the way some corporation handles their business. you are nothing but a speck, nor will you ever be anything but a speck. enjoy mediocrity!
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 3:23 pm
Well, RBI, in the grand scheme of things, sure.... but whats your point... we're all specks. Unless you're having am existential moment, I dont see how that even applies to their comment.
The point is that MRs are the last to talk about the affects of "cool" and countering the notion... MR is built on "cool" at this point...
More than half the bikes you see on rides are built with cool in mind... a ton of bikes are trying to emulate the notion of a "cool bike". What you see are these half-ass projects, that serve very little to the rider's needs.
Moreover, bike shops cater to the same research that nike is doing. Orange 20 (i only bring them up because its probably sensitive to some) stocks a plethora of items that are superfluous in nature...
Riding around town doesnt require half the components you throw on your bike. I see more rider's on dope bikes, but barely can ride the machine, let alone take advantage of the craftsmanship behind the components.
The point: dont hate on Nike, when MR has a bunch cleaning up to do.
I think Debut213 knocked the Nike ride, called others sellouts, then gets his bike stolen at the event (unless i understood it wrong)...
In my mind, rides like Mom Ridaz, sold MR out.
md207.17.09 - 3:40 pm
go ride a wooden bike in the forest.
coldcut responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 3:42 pm
American Apparel is the largest clothing manufacturer in the United States. Do you really believe that Nike pays no attention to who is wearing their shirts and why?
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 3:46 pm
I wouldnt mind a bamboo bike in the forest...
sounds good
md2 responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.17.09 - 3:48 pm
im not a hypebeast, so no, i dont pay attention to clothing trends.
money rules everything in the world and you will not be able to change this fact.
ruinedbyidiots07.17.09 - 3:50 pm
anyway, i've been contemplating explaining my point of view to you, but it's a waste of time.
you're a hater. hate on.
coldcut07.17.09 - 3:51 pm
dont be so sensitive...
we're all specks remember?
md2 responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.17.09 - 3:53 pm
it's not about clothing trends, its about business trends. American Apparel is the largest clothing manufacturer in the US, and operates stores around the world. That means that fair labor practices can be good business. you know, for a guy that's unemployed and spends all day on MR and LAfixed, i'd think you could afford yourself twenty minutes a day to read some news.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 3:56 pm
dov charney is one of the biggest perverts in america. but his "ethical" business practices overshadow this, right?
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 3:58 pm
praise AA all you want... they're arent much better....
Dove, likes to exploit all his little girls/models and sleep with them...
AA trys to claim they are brand free, when they have purposely aimed to create the American Apparel brand.
Whats so special about paying wages in the US that dont supply enough to live off of, and doing the same in another country?
American Apparel doesnt pay shit... sure they're wages are great in another country but that doesnt apply...
md2 responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 4:01 pm
awe, a couple of specks working together... I can see the future is not so bleak after all
md2 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 4:02 pm
if they exploit their workers here, what makes you think their pay is better overseas?
coldcut responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 4:04 pm
Damn I have people coming out of the wood works for little old me!!
MD2 you have the right to your opinion, thats part of what makes this world so great to live in. You should come out to a MoM Ride maybe I can help change ur opinion of us, given the chance...
Debut21307.17.09 - 4:04 pm
your intellect leaves me in awe.
(not the good kind.)
coldcut responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 4:07 pm
their workers earn a much better wage than other garment workers in DTLA. their employees overseas earn a better wage than other sweatshops. it's still an evil corporation, but part of their marketing strategy is to allow consumers to feel good about buying $30 t-shirts by ADVERTISING that they offer FAIR WAGES to their workers. the motivation is irrelevant; fair wages are part of AA's marketing approach, and that's what makes them unique.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 4:16 pm
i dont even know what your comment refers to...
who said anyones pay is better overseas?
im saying AA wages in the US, if it were the wages overseas would be great (comparatively speaking)...
but what a person needs to survive in one country doesnt apply to another...
I doubt you're the standard to which intellect is measured.
but, sure fine... ill take your awe as a sign of your disappointment....
but why care? we're just specks
md2 responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.17.09 - 4:18 pm
so his "ethical" business practices are overshadowing his sexual deviancy. you are defending a pervert who uses ads like this to sell clothes. remember that.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
07.17.09 - 4:22 pm
not really looking for you... just noted your comments... you can sit still.
thanks for the invite... but Im pointing out the lack of creativity in naming a ride.. i could careless if the ride is fun or not... how would that change the opinion about a ride titled: Mom Ridaz?
Are you riding moms on the ride?
What is so special about riding a woman who has given birth at some point?
Why not Dad ridaz?
Why not 3rd cousin ridaz?
I have feeling the name has nothing to do with what is actually done on the ride, hence it is merely a lack of creativity or imagination... sure we can be immature now and then, but why push it as far as naming your weekly ride something like that?
a naked pregnant woman holding a beer? thats too easy! flip off the camera? come on...
Have fun, but I doubt thats what the OG's envisioned, but maybe I'm wrong, as you noted, Im entitled to my opinion.
I just wonder if there were a time when minds joined and said, "lets start a ride", and mom ridaz, was so readily agreed upon... Im not dissing, we're all grown, couldn't we think of something "better"?
But maybe fighting will solve the issue...
md2 responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.17.09 - 4:33 pm
well dad ridazz and 3rd cousin ridazz are just shitty names. I guess you just suck.
larsenf responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 4:42 pm
Well like it or not mr. anonymous guy, MoM RiDAzZ are here to stay! If you didnt know the name is an inside group joke, then your denser than salt water <--hahaha i actually took one of rbi's lines. Seriously though, give us a try were not all bad! We have had rides that help the homeless with food, as well as rides that helped kids learn how to ride bikes! Were not perfect! We are all inclusive, so if u wanna give us a try, dont hesitate. We have two diffrent days of riding on the calander you can come check us out .
Saturday is lead by Drooby and is a meduim-slow paced party on wheels, or you can come check mine out on tuesdays, we ride hard and long. Drinking is not encouraged since we actually do ride faster than a 15 mph pace. i alternate with donnie darko every other week and he likes to redo the saturday party feel drooby puts on.
and maybe fighting will resolve this or maybe not. your welcome to try your luck.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 5:03 pm
Well like it or not mr. anonymous guy, MoM RiDAzZ are here to stay! If you didnt know the name is an inside group joke, then your denser than salt water <--hahaha i actually took one of rbi's lines. Seriously though give us a try were not all bad! We have had rides that help the homeless with food, as well as rides that helped kids learn how to ride bikes! Were not perfect! We are all inclusive, so if u wanna give us a try, dont hesitate. We have two diffrent days of riding on the calander you can come check us out @. Saturday is lead by Drooby and is a meduim-slow paced party on wheels, or you can come check mine out on tuesdays, we ride hard and long. Drinking is not encouraged since we actually do ride faster than a 15 mph pace. i alternate with donnie darko every other week and he likes to redo the saturday party feel drooby puts on.
and maybe fighting will resolve this or maybe not. your welcome to try your luck.
Debut213 responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 5:05 pm
You guys should all finish this argument over some free pabst next wednesday.
Get loud and angry and get kicked out of the venue.
Its fun.
stillline07.17.09 - 5:22 pm
Intellectually stimulating....I absolutely love it.
+10 for MD2
ridetime responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 6:12 pm
the fighting reference was a joke about how online posters tend to think that fighting trumps any point... i guess it didnt come across that way....
I mentioned it has nothing to with the content of your rides.
let me put this in a little context
The thread was about a Nike ride.
some (yourself) called out riders as sellouts if they attend
other mentioned MR is not about commercialism or whatever
I referenced Debut213 as a way of showing the inconsistency on/in MR
Debut213 ends up attending the Nike ride and gets his bike stolen
I called out Mom Ridaz because it promotes a kind of attitude that in my understanding is antithetical to MR = hence who is selling what out? call out Nike, but what about some of the shit that is promoted on MR?
I'm suggesting any of you are bad guys... never said it. But your response seems to be automatic because you know the implications that your group name and ads can provoke. You're well aware, but don't seem to care. Thats cool, but then why knock others for attending a Nike event (which you end up attending), when Mom Ridaz promotes smoking weed (not that its "bad"--but you should ride sober), riding momz (whatever you claim that means), and overall a easily assumed disrespectful attitude to women in general (whether you meant it or not). What do you imagine Mom Ridaz means to the public? Come on... and inside joke?
Is this what MR is about? I think it is about all the other things that you do, which can get missed in the ride title. Again, i never knocked the ride itself...
md2 responding to a
comment by Debut213
07.17.09 - 6:26 pm
i dont think he went on the nike ride, and he certainly didnt get his bike stolen on it. he reposted something a craigslist ad about a bike stolen from the ride.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 6:30 pm
as I noted earlier
"I think Debut213 knocked the Nike ride, called others sellouts, then gets his bike stolen at the event (unless i understood it wrong)... "
and Im happy to be wrong...
md2 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 6:33 pm
You must be new here or something cause lots of us ride mom ridazz and we know what its about.
You think Mom ridazz is the only ride that promotes weed smoking? Again... you must be new here.
Debut didnt go to the ride or get his bike stolen there. He simply pointed out that someone else ( I actually know who) got his bike stolen at the ride.
Read first. then speak.
Also please introduce yourself. I bet we have met before and dont know it.
stillline responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 6:34 pm
Can I be king of the ring?
July07.17.09 - 6:36 pm
Oh, and this md2 persona has been registered since 11/11/06 but has chosen to just recently make his presence be known.
I'm July, nice to meet you.
We might've met on a ride by now but I'm introducing myself again anyways.
July07.17.09 - 6:38 pm
just an example...
but thats fine... like Ive mentioned... MR is inconsistent.
You really have to figure out what you want MR to be "perceived" as. Plus Debuts comments could be taken as referring to his bike, but that doesnt really matter, Ill gladly accept that I was mistaken about his attitude or hypocrisy...
I dont get what is being missed here?
If i called a ride, the racist ride, but claimed the title is an inside joke, and if you actually rode the racist ride, you would find out that were the most diverse group ever... does not change the "perceived" idea of what MR is promoting...
Again, much of the talk on MR is about MR being perceived as x,y,z.... and complaining abut how other ruin it for MR.
Look we all love bikes and riding them.... but youre going to walk a thin line calling others out, while MR has some cleaning up to do too.
md2 responding to a
comment by stillline
07.17.09 - 6:45 pm
So anyways you made your point.
Now introduce yourself (sans rhetoric) so we can get to know the person we are talking to instead of just arguing semantics.
stillline07.17.09 - 6:49 pm
All moms must be ridden to become moms.
buckchin responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 6:54 pm
the mom artificial inseminators
buckchin responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.17.09 - 7:04 pm
Whats wrong with riding moms? I mean everybody has one. Except user1.
stillline07.17.09 - 7:34 pm
What Midnight Ridazz is:
-Non Confrontational
-Open - Minded
What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
-Mean Spirited
I don't see anything about me riding your mom in there. In fact i see family and open-minded in the what midnight ridazz IS section.
larsenf responding to a
comment by md2
07.17.09 - 7:46 pm
My dog died. Tell Tory Lowitz and Dov Charney and ruined by idiots that my dog died. This argument is moot.
tern07.17.09 - 10:43 pm
so...are you better or worse for going on the nike ride?
tern03.13.12 - 4:37 pm