Thread started by
FMLY at 12.21.09 - 3:34 pm

So the TEST RIDES came and went. We had a lot of fun, saw a lot of great music, and had some unforgettable experiences. If you were at the last ride, you might want to check out the LA Times article (,0,5922871.photogallery) to see if you can spot yourself. Now, as the new year rolls in, it’s time for the FMLY RIDE to take over. Over the past year, I have seen so many new people start biking. Next year, bikes will take over, public domain will be reclaimed and humanity will emerge from the capitalist shell from which generations were born into.
The FMLY RIDE will take place on January 2nd which gives you the first to recover and gear up for round two. We will meet at the Albertson’s Parking lot on Ocean Park and Lincoln at 8 and ride at 9 exactly. You can check out a map here(,-118.475575&spn=0.004518,0.008433&t=h&z=17&msid=109561880445878221959.00047b433240e005c3218). This ride has some great surprises waiting at the end including FREE BEER!
HORSE the Band (Instrumental set)
Ben Oprstu
60-Watt Kid
The Shrine
Slang Chickens
Tan Dollar
"FREE BEER" got no responses on here. wow
alec01.1.10 - 10:55 pm
Is this a round trip ride or screw you find your own way home ride
crossbones01.2.10 - 7:27 am
It will take more than free beer to get riders hyped up over FMLY
Tarmonster.01.2.10 - 12:26 pm
Seems like a pretty short ride to me, Danny-san.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by crossbones
01.2.10 - 12:31 pm
Any valley ridazz down to go?? Hit me up, maybe we can carpool?
speedybrian200001.2.10 - 1:07 pm
FMLY01.2.10 - 4:05 pm
I havent been to a fmly ride yet but all ive heard is great things about you guys. sux ill miss this one too. Next time ill be there to enjoy the f.u.n... if you post it. THEY WILL COME....
Debut21301.2.10 - 4:13 pm
I really had a fun time at the stops. The riding was a bit on the short side but it was fun nonetheless. I'll be back for the next one.
my $.02 to the organizers....have the bands start playing within a minute or so of the riders arriving. the first stop was a bit long without music. Other than that, great locations and a good time.
just keep doing what you're doing..
barleye01.3.10 - 1:01 pm
Great ride and thanks for putting this on. Had a great time! I don't know how anyone can say it was a short ride if the ride was posted. if someone wanted a longer ride, then why didnt they just go riding before the ride? bam, no longer a short ride!
Krazy Penis01.3.10 - 9:40 pm
Dude........ You have never been to FMLY ride.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
01.3.10 - 10:17 pm
Oh yea that's the day I took your spoke cards. XD
I forget that John doesn't go on rides that are "too far" from the valley
palucha66 responding to a
comment by goosegoose
01.3.10 - 10:27 pm