
Thread started by
adamthelizard at 08.7.12 - 11:14 pm
Yo Ridazz. I be in DC but my Moms is traveling in LA and sent this very disturbing email just a few minutes ago. Thought I should post it here and see if anyone knows this person. I'll update the thread when I get more info. At least they got dude's plate number and the cops filed a report.. Be safe out there!
I took a walk at around 4... walked for a couple of miles. On the way back, I witnessed an assault involving a man who jumped out of his pickup truck, grabbed a woman by the neck and pulled her off her bicycle onto the pavement. It was road rage. I had to stay for a very long time until police and emergency showed up, then to tell my story, etc. The woman will be be fine. She was bleeding from the face. It was horrific. I stood in front of the truck and screamed to the man not to leave, but then I realized he was going to run me over, so I jumped away. We got the license number. The police said he would go to jail. I hope that's true.
THE LINK MOST ESPECIALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIXMYLIFE08.17.12 - 3:38 pm
Roadblock08.17.12 - 4:48 pm
That article was ridiculous. "They can carry small packages, such as explosives or guns" ....Really?
OsnapsonJC08.20.12 - 11:02 am
Another Redunculous quote from that word salad of no use:
Violent members of the Critical Mass anarchist group stage a socialist-style protest for special rights.
sack or crack you choose responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
08.20.12 - 11:50 am
Yes, that explains the cheap designer handbags.
dancro responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
08.20.12 - 12:27 pm
I second wanting to know where this was.
brittany08.20.12 - 12:44 pm
I've only done about 40 zonked out on reefer. It felt like 1000! Seriously though, I'm sorry to hear about this terrible incident.
Velocipede08.20.12 - 7:00 pm