Redline Ride Thread

Thread started by
Redline at 01.6.12 - 2:51 pm

Every Sunday Night 7-11, 40-50 Miles
Meet @ 6:30, Roll @ 7:00 pm
Meet spot changing weekly
Not a mosey, not a hustle
12-15 mph average
Redline Ride Started 11.13.11
FB Group Started 11.29.11
MR Thread Started 1.6.12
FB Group:
Happy New Year!
Thread here for stuff...
1.8.12 Awesome L.A. Loop 54 miles
we will be riding through all the major LA areas, for a big tour:
DTLA, Ktown, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, UCLA, Brentwood, Santa Monica, Abbot Kinney, Venice, Marine Del Rey, Culver City, Mid Wilshire. yes, we will ride through all the above. right through the middle of UCLA, it will be dope :)
Redline01.6.12 - 2:58 pm
1.8.12 ReCap: Starting w about 8-9 at Olvera St, picking up three more at 4th n Central. Dropping a fixie couple by 2nd st tunnel, and a few more on the hills DTLA, before reaching sunset blvd and echo park. That's only 1/4 of the ride.
4-5 deep through Hollywood to Westwood, lost a couple more by UCLA. Three of us enjoyed the campus. Only two of us made it to some amazing Thai food through brentwood, santa monica and venice, to Mar Vista. I then completed the ride back to DTLA alone, hit up Heart On event for some art n music, biked forward to Hollywood n highland for a recharge n rest, and finished riding around UCLA and took some pics.
Total, 75+ miles, but who cares, right?
Redline01.10.12 - 3:41 pm
oh... so as of last weeks ride, this pace has been determined 12-20 mph, with an emphasis on 15-17 for the flat straights, and i like hills. if you are slow on hills, or can't maintain at least 12-15 mph average, this ride is NOT for you... especially for distance. thanks for everyone that came out last week, sorry if you got dropped, i will NOT be rolling back to wait for slow pokes anymore though... it really killed my time, and really slowed down the few of us that were trying to roll! sorry!
Redline01.10.12 - 3:42 pm
I'll have to check this ride out sometime...but no saying
Don't be a dick to ppl ;-)
FIXMYLIFE01.10.12 - 5:05 pm
a dick, how so? i stopped at lights and hills, to wait up for people. went backwards, several times to help people catch up. spent too much time, actually, trying to keep people w the group - and it backfired - the people that really came out to roll, just kept waiting...
route info, ride pace and stops are clearly listed. that's also why this thread/FB group is there, so people can communicate. but no one says anything... and it seems, some people didn't even look at the route, or read the info. and if you haven't been out to the ride yet, then... how are you calling me a dick?
being 40-50 miles in a four-five hour time slot, i can't be spending the entire first hour stopping at every light, waiting on people that can't keep up at least 12-15 mph though, either. this is not a constant hustle @ 20+ like wolf pack, but it's not a mosey or a heavy party ride, either. there are plenty of slower rides. this is a good distance ride. i also vocally offered my phone # to everyone on the ride, in case they wanted to get ahold of me (it's also listed everywhere). on top of that, at every stop we made, i was verbally explaining the next turn and stop point to the group, to make it easy for people to follow and understand, so they could keep moving, while i waited for some people that kept falling behind.
i don't like leaving people behind, but i don't want to spend my ride, rolling in circles waiting for ridazz that can't keep pace. vary from 12-15-17 mph, maybe hit 20 or so on really open stretches... and would be waiting at next regroup point for a few that might only do 15 ish.
being new at this, i'm still learning too. still figuring out exact pace, break times, and what not.
i'm open. let me know know ur concerns!
thanks to anyone for coming out, hope to ride with ya'll - just keep up, at least 15 mph! lets put down some miles!
Redline responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
01.11.12 - 3:20 am
Thinking about this route:
for 1.15.12, instead of west side. will most likely be doing a west LA/Southbay ride the following week.
any thoughts about this DTLA - SGV - DTLA route?
Redline01.11.12 - 5:15 am
oops, that link is too short. this is the correct route link:
Redline01.11.12 - 5:22 am
yeah i need to do this ride as soon as i get a day off.
Huey55501.13.12 - 12:14 am
HAHAH Truthfully I only read the first paragraph of your overly sensitive rebutle... I was just kidding with you DICK!! Hince the wink emoticon and the lol... If it makes you feel better I know I can be a dick too... With that being said, I'm sure you weren't actually a dick in regards to waiting for people or anything like that, it just sounded mean in your thread. This is definitely a nice route!
FIXMYLIFE01.13.12 - 9:37 am
lol. ok, no worries. i often miss the little things. i was freaking out though, like huh, i put alot of effort into trying to help people keep up with...
but yea, with this ride being the distance it is, for this time slot - it's important to keep moving forward. some people just kept stopping, i'm like noooooo keep going! we still got 48+ miles to go, lol!
Redline responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
01.13.12 - 3:03 pm
1-15-12 Legg Lake and it's bike path up north, was an excellent ride. thanks for everyone who came out! Couple pics up on FB Group page
Redline01.16.12 - 7:30 pm
TIiiight!! Glad you are still stickin to it...I'm sure your ride will grow too...People just have to build some stamina :D See you around!
FIXMYLIFE01.17.12 - 4:05 pm
This week 1-22-12 i may possibly do a ride to the Carson Velodrome, it's USA vs Canada, and it's free! Supposedly.
Either way if that does or does not happen, i may still do some, if not all of this route:
anyone else up for it? Velodrome? ride 52 miles? ride to velodrome for a bit, then complete the ride route?!?
Redline responding to a
comment by FIXMYLIFE
01.19.12 - 10:47 pm
Damn that sounds awesome!!! My nephews birthday party is that afternoon and evening though out in West Covina...shat..oh well. This one I would so be down!!
FIXMYLIFE01.20.12 - 4:43 pm
OK everyone - sorry, i had to cancel sunday jan. 22nd ride - long, very busy, exhausting weekend, and on top of that - my ride is falling apart.
SO - the Redline Ride will be on HIATUS for a couple weeks, at least - until further notice. i need to get a new rear wheel, at least - and a bit broke, so that might take me a bit of time. we'll post back up when ready asap.
if anyone wants interesting routes, i can still plan some good 40-50 mile routes for ya'll to ride without me... lmk!
Thanks Everyone! will be back soooooon!
Redline01.24.12 - 9:10 pm
Redline Ride for 2.12.2012
West Siiiiide - Beachin to Palos Verdes
We will be starting UNDER the Santa Monica Pier, on the bike path
PLEASE bring LIGHTS, TUBES, water, energy bars, music, etc
Meet 6:30 pm, Roll 7:00 pm. 52 miles round trip.
See ya there, if you wanna ride!
Redline01.30.12 - 4:57 pm
Redline Ride Returns 6.17.2012
Redline Ride: Party of the Century 7.7.2012
Redline06.6.12 - 3:14 pm
that was a great century ride!
but can't do this ride on sunday's at that time much anymore... maybe once or twice a month, but i'm leaning towards doing century rides more often... maybe once a month
we'll see
Redline07.10.12 - 7:18 pm