Word tony. I like your last name.
The idea whose time has come. Perfect response in regards to the current LA Critical Mass.
I didn't get the idea at first but had faith that it was divine, being that it came out of A Bicycle God with higher bike powers then I had.
sexy07.31.12 - 2:54 pm
sexy, I'm sure you're teasing me but thanks anyway. I like a tease. :) I hope I get to see you there.
Like anything there's potential here. Its going to be up to the participants to make something of this. If we do little with it and the event is just the 1,000 plus Critical Massers that would be swarming the area anyway and a few of us doing circles I feel like we have taken back our ride in a way. If we all do a bit of work and invite not just bike groups but protesters, activist groups, free hugs clubs, and the like, we could potentially replace the protest march with a structure that we may find more effective or at least put another tool in our arsenals.
Funarchist Bike Movement responding to a
comment by sexy
07.31.12 - 9:12 pm
Exactly what Critical Mass always should have been, if you ask me (which I fully acknowledge that nobody did).
PC08.1.12 - 3:03 am
I am extremely stoked for this. But then, I've always been stoked for BTB, since inception. I hope everyone makes an effort to put themselves and their bikes in this area, between 6 and 8 p.m. on the 31st. I On the surface this will likely seem a lot more subtle and maybe less immediately noticeable at first, but I think it will have a significant impact on the impressions and attitudes of commuters, residents, and businesses in the area...maybe without them even realizing that the presence and prevalence of bikes is becoming a more natural, expected, acceptable thing.
I made
a map of different places in the area to check out - it's a little bit of a mess and an in-progress effort, but there's places to eat, and a dive bar and a church hosting an aerobics class (St. James, $2, 6:20 p.m.), a vacant lot and whatnot marked on there. So, I hope this helps and gives people some ideas of things to do while occupying the area around Wilshire/Western. Or just explore and see what catches your fancy. : )
kryxtanicole responding to a
comment by Funarchist Bike Movement
08.4.12 - 10:47 pm
This is coming up next Friday--the 31st. Hooray.
dudeonabike08.24.12 - 3:33 pm
The first monthly Bike Town Beta is tomorrow! I hope to see bikes on every street, in every left hand turn lane, locked to every parking meter and street sign. I hope to see people riding trainers on the sidewalk, passing out fliers, and talking to strangers. I hope to see protesters and picnic-ers. Of course this is only the first one and the turnout is only going to be around 1,500… :P
Funarchist Bike Movement08.30.12 - 9:56 am