New and in East LA - Silverlake/Echo Park,

Thread started by
RallyJustice at 10.1.12 - 7:44 pm
I'm looking to ride, I can travel to other parts of the city but I'm still new around here. I was wondering if these rides are open to everyone, if there are groups in the Silverlake/Echo Park area, and if anyone wants to ride? Especially rides with ladies and dudes, cause I'm a lady. I had a bike gang in Massachusetts and want to start up a chapter out here, but for now I just want to ride and this seems like the place to start.
If anyone out there would be kind enough to give me the low down, it would be much appreciated!!
Rally Justice
You rode with SCUL?
Check out 2nd Fridays MR.
Joe Borfo10.1.12 - 7:50 pm
Every other Monday there's a ride led by 2 ladies from the community. Here's the FB info:
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.1.12 - 10:46 pm
+++Monday night mosey serving the Los Silverwood Park community+++
This ride is for those people who have to be at work or class Tuesday morning.
+we ride slow
+we hang out
+we have one stop
+we're home by Midnight
Find us at Tangs (sunset and fountain). We'll be the ones not in the lycra.
Meet @ 9:30
Ride @ 10
5-15 miles. Chill pace.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.1.12 - 10:47 pm
Heh I have found a few girls in the scene (not the majority!) won't look at or say hi to a new girl (or just me lol) so please don't judge on the first few girls you might meet.....
Most (95+%) are hella friendly, all girl power, and very supportive.
Ovarian Psycos is huge right now...I've never been on one of their rides. I'm sure they are great. All female rides!
I think you should just add me on Facebook and I'll "suggest friends" that are some cool chicks with bikes! Once you are friends with a few good people on Facebook you'll have the lowdown on all the rides...they are not all here!
My favorite girls I roll with are at Vermont/Melrose so you would obviously be welcome to roll with us (and maybe some boys) to whatever ride we're doing on any given night.
I personally am not doing anything group-ride related this week and not sure what is up for the weekend and that is why you need more girl bikers to know! There are rides every night...
The ladies in the bike scene in LA are thriving and we seem to have a great community! Glad to have you a part of it.
brittany10.2.12 - 1:03 am
Thanks for all the info! I'm not looking for strictly female groups, but just ones that might be more open to a random stranger who is a lady.
I started the Electric Pythons back in MA. I don't have a Facebook of my own so I can't add you.
I'll be at next Monday's ride - I like the anti-spandex things. That's what I'm going for.
Also, if anyone wants to forward ride info, please hit me up
Maybe I'll break down and create a Facebook, but not yet...
RallyJustice10.2.12 - 4:06 pm
spoke and art, ride with no mane, 2nd friday MR, and if you need your fill of rave and more rave West side mosey.
andres8410.2.12 - 5:10 pm
Did someone say Westside Mosey? Hells Yeah!
JOKER10.2.12 - 9:25 pm
SAVE yourself from facebook!!!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by RallyJustice
10.2.12 - 11:58 pm
Good luck.
Unfortunately I don't have time to forward ride info.
If you ever need anything,
brittany10.3.12 - 9:06 am
party time responding to a
comment by JOKER
10.3.12 - 5:43 pm
Oh! I've heard about that gang, didn't know the name.
Nope, I'm from the other side of the state.
Thanks for all the info, ima try to work up some solo courage to crash some of these rides!
RallyJustice10.4.12 - 12:06 am
If you're up for some hills, ~25-30 miles of riding (sometimes off pavement) and occasionally hauling your bike up public stairways, check out
The Passage on Wednesday nights! There aren't a ton of ladies on the ride (sometimes only me), but it's def lady friendly.
On an unrelated note: referring to Echo Park/Silver Lake as East LA (or the eastside) might not go over well with people who live east of the LA River.
anty10.31.12 - 10:04 am