Thread started by
ruinedbyidiots at 08.4.07 - 10:39 am
im taking the train out to flagstaff in the beginning of october to spend some time with friends and rage at the tour de fat.
is anyone else going, or thinking about going?
we're doing the one in Portland in two weeks.
Joe Borfo08.6.07 - 1:27 pm
Yeah, that really helps him out, Borfo.
"Hey, does anybody want to go with me to New York next month?"
"No, but I'm going to Alaska in a week!"
"I hate you so much."
PC08.6.07 - 3:36 pm
whoever rides the train with me drinks for free and will be forced to listen to girlschool. or something?
ruinedbyidiots08.6.07 - 7:56 pm
So, just why couldn't you go to Portland, Mr. Hantarashi?
Joe Borfo08.6.07 - 8:26 pm
i hired the worst staff to work under me this summer! my assistant manager is super flaky and just sort of stopped showing up and stopped answering her phone, so i have to pick up the slack and work double time.
ruinedbyidiots08.6.07 - 8:30 pm
nicki and i want to volunteer this Saturday for tour de fat. anyone that has volunteered in the past know the best way to sign up??? thanks
andres8409.9.12 - 12:39 pm
Contact Julia at
Hopefully I'll be working the tokens station this year.
July responding to a
comment by andres84
09.9.12 - 2:46 pm
i tried the email and it said it was an invalid email.
andres84 responding to a
comment by July
09.9.12 - 3:02 pm
Hi July,
Thank you for volunteering on behalf of C.I.C.L.E. for the Tour de Fat. Amazing volunteers like you keep our programs rollin'!
Mark your calendar, we've signed you up for the following shift(s):
IDs and Wristbands, Shift A: Saturday, Sept. 15 from 10am-1:30pm
We'll confirm with you again as we get closer to the event.
Also, if you are working two shifts, you will receive separate confirmations for each shift.
More info about C.I.C.L.E (
Los Angeles Historic State Park Location Info
More Info about Tour de Fat L.A.
Let me know if you have any questions. It's going to be great time!
Thanks again,
Julia Lippe-Klein
Program and Marketing Coordinator
Cyclists Inciting Change thru LIVE Exchange
July responding to a
comment by andres84
09.9.12 - 5:04 pm
NVM i just sent it ....hopefully i get to sell chips. that looked chill last year
andres84 responding to a
comment by July
09.9.12 - 11:41 pm
Tour De Fatemi. I'm going to throw up on everyone.
Rosiekins09.10.12 - 10:28 am
So... I'm riding out to TDF San Diego on the Friday before the event (9/28). Anyone interested in joining me?
I'm leaving from San Pedro as early as I can get motivated, probably 6-7ish. Could meet up with people in Long Beach if anyone is interested in rolling. Mellow pace, couple stops, self supported. +100 miles. Plan on getting a room Fri night, have F.U.N. all day Saturday and take the train back Sunday. Respond on this thread or call/text if interested.
420LaHaRR09.10.12 - 11:40 am
WOOOOO!!!! you already know nicki and i are super in! Come on ridazz lets go!!! we need get as many people to go so we can take over a freeway lane for 100+ miles. email me some info on where you are gonna stay at so nicki and i can be in the same motel/hotel tenaandres @ yahoo . com
andres84 responding to a
comment by 420LaHaRR
09.10.12 - 1:02 pm
No hotel/motel info yet. Somewhere in or near downtown SD would be good. Will start looking and keep you updated!!!
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by andres84
09.10.12 - 6:22 pm
I have friends in SD we can stay with.
Rosiekins09.10.12 - 10:45 pm
I can tell you how much I appreciate these parties that New Belgium has put on for the bike community. Beside the Tour de Fat, the sponsorship of Pasadena Bike Week parties and other things they do for the bicycle community that I don't even know. The money they raise for the pro cycling groups. They even employee one of our own. I appreciate NB so much that I will more times then not purchase there beer over a flavor of a commercial brand that I prefer the taste to, just because of what they do for us. Thank you New Belgium.
With that said I really hope that if not this year, maybe next year they will have a new show for the participants of this party. How many years are they going to do the "would you trade your car for a bike" skit? I would guess NB are supporting and paying for the performers of this show. I'm sure putting on these events are not cheap. I hope New Belgium would start asking these performers to come up with something new. Last time I was at Tour de Fat, the ring leader (mc) of the show looked and sounded bored and didn't seem inspired with all the whole thing nor did most of the performers. It was like the whole show was just going through the notions. Not to say it not a fun and inspiring show, it is, it just been done, over and over again.
sexy09.11.12 - 2:23 am
Hi Sexy! I get what you're saying. Doing the same show 10?-15? times a year, year in and out must get pretty boring. A new act would be fun. Having locals participate in ways besides riding a bike and drinking would probably help. It's gotta be hard to think outside the box when liability and insurance come into play.
On another note, wanna dress up and ride to San Diego?
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by sexy
09.11.12 - 6:46 pm
who needs oktoberfest when tour de fat comes to town.
batgirlkarla09.11.12 - 7:01 pm
Let's not get carried away here. TDF is fun and all but...
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by batgirlkarla
09.11.12 - 7:27 pm
we can also get tattooed in san diego. TATTOO AT ME BRO!
andres84 responding to a
comment by Rosiekins
09.12.12 - 11:14 am
I received a reply and nicki and i will be your guys
andres8409.12.12 - 11:16 am
I'll be checking ID's so LaHarr, your young ass better bring that ID withcha or you aints getting through bro. :P
July responding to a
comment by andres84
09.12.12 - 11:55 am
I'm totally gonna tattoo at chu. CHU GON DO?!
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by andres84
09.12.12 - 3:57 pm
Jajaja! I'll remember that. BTW, I'll be overcharging your drunken pantsless butt at the token booth, 1:30-5:00.
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by July
09.12.12 - 5:18 pm
i'm in! and i think Stosha is gonna meet us there on Sat morning!
bondink09.17.12 - 9:25 am
So far:
2.Sara Bond
3. Joseph R.
4. Coe coe Beeezy
4. AndresFARTBOY
Coe coe buttaa responding to a
comment by bondink
09.18.12 - 9:07 am
So, are we all still riding?
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by Coe coe buttaa
09.25.12 - 5:22 pm
i looked into this hotel and its not to crazy expensive
also amtrak tickets are right now for $37 one way
andres84 responding to a
comment by 420LaHaRR
09.25.12 - 6:14 pm
Hotel sounds good. Let's make reservations tonight if possible. Train tix can be bought at the station. Getting eggcited!!
Also... Wanna ride the 5 or would you guise prefer camp pendleton? The 5 is shorter and smoggier. CP is hillier and you need ID + helmet. We'll probably get buzzed by traffic either way.
420LaHaRR responding to a
comment by andres84
09.25.12 - 7:09 pm
booked. stoked.
also..... i got a call this morning from Shues and he has been the car support for cyclists on tour down the west coast - their destination is TDF San Diego - it's going to be an awesome weekend!!!
i just i hope i get there. haha ha ... ha..
bondink responding to a
comment by 420LaHaRR
09.26.12 - 9:32 am