Cruzz With Us

Thread started by
Roadblock at 10.3.06 - 3:56 pm
A big shout out to the newest Midnight Ridazz click Cruzz With Us
They are handling the last Saturdays of every month as Midnight Ridazz creeps out into uncharted territories like that one creepy insect ate out Spock's brain in wrath of Kahn.... er uhh whatever that was.
Cruzz With Us rides in the Valley and they have the vibes going strong with 15-25 Ridazz rolling to the spots.
Can't wait to see what they got this month.
Why do I suddenly feel like Aniken Skywalker?
dave10.4.06 - 10:20 pm
aye whos going on this!? Seems like this ride is going to go off and then crash out on someone's sofa yeah? then to get chupavegas on saticoy! (and I wasn't talking about the bike ride!)
Butter and Corn10.23.06 - 10:56 pm
we don't ride around looking for art, our bikes are art, har, har.
dave10.24.06 - 8:21 am
i heard some people were thinking of camping out behind atomic cycles saturday after cruzz with us.any truth to that?
mandingo10.24.06 - 10:22 am
well, its all concrete, with a bar two doors down. you might have better luck scoping out a place in the wilderness area behind the sepulveda dam (enter just west of the burbank blvd. hill over the freeway), campfires will probably bring the rapid wrath of several fire stations down upon you though.
dave10.24.06 - 12:57 pm
Yeah, so I drove there, and my wife chickened out at the last shoot me.
Here's the route we took in case anyone is wondering wtf we went.
I had a good time, I think we had a few more than usual, or was it just digo's little shot cup contributions which went down so easily? I think we were waiting at each bar or something for the "official" photographer, who never seemed to have caught up after he got lost.
Next month needs more ride time, less bar time, and better route slips. Route slips? What route slips?
I guess I was still feeling it at the RagNor Ride, whatever.
dave10.29.06 - 9:50 pm
let me be the first to say that FLATS SUCK
otherwise an awesome/hilarious ride.
ruinedbyidiots10.29.06 - 10:07 pm
I'm bummed not to have made it! I was aready commited to a fucking party bus ironically leaving about 4 blocks from where Cruzz With Us started. I heard people talking about the ride today at Ragnor which I also fucking missed because I was so partied out from last night I couldnt get up even with the extra our of sleep. I suck.
congratulations locos. I heard it was a fun ride though. like 50-60 RRRidazz though? Damn that's a really fun size. All rides should be about this size if you know what I mean. but I have a feeling Cruzz With Us is gonna get real big. specially cause of the starting point. Next month!
what up Mandingo
Roadblock10.29.06 - 10:07 pm
It was a fun ride. It was hilarious when the Burbank pd asked, "What is this ride for"? And someone said, "Multiple Sclerosis" and at that point they just seemed to give up.
It's too bad more people weren't in costume. I was the Marquis de Sade and my girl was my Madam de Sade, it was a blast riding through town that way. I look forward to another cruzz ride!
jake10.30.06 - 5:32 am
wow you guys rode through Burnbank? that town don't like me.
Roadblock10.30.06 - 9:40 am
Sweet, innocent me, didn't know that about Burbank, we go the other way next month.
Also, it was great seeing teens and families on the ride, I hope they keep participating.
CruzzwithUs stops at bars, there's no requirement that you go inside, there's usually somewhere to sit outside anyway, and no requirement that you drink alcohol, most of us on the ride are adults or we like to think we are, so drink responsibly...and if you're going to do something else as well, do it discretely, away from prying eyes, and away from the ridazz who don't want to have deal with the situation.
Having said that, if you need help finding that discrete location, I'd be more than happy to help out.
Be cool.
dave10.30.06 - 1:05 pm
yeah a fun ride on a beautiful night. Didn't think my 15 pound friend "skinny" was going to go the distance but he did without falling apart, despite being totally gutless.
Anyone got pix posted of the ride?
OverTheHill10.30.06 - 7:39 pm
i took a bunch of pictures, but only one came out to my liking.
ruinedbyidiots10.30.06 - 8:00 pm
speaking of pictures.... is anybody gonna post some of this ride?? :)
Roadblock10.31.06 - 12:49 am
yes plz bring back cruzz with us!!! nobody can host a valley ride like speedybrian.
funanu01.30.09 - 9:10 pm
Bring It BACK. ThIs Gr8 Country of UrS NeeDZ iT!!!!
bentstrider01.30.09 - 10:12 pm
Is it true Brian's gonna do 1 more CRUZZ WITH US ride? That's the word on the street.....
barleye06.26.12 - 1:16 pm
ive heard alot of great stories about this ride. it would be awesome to finally go on it. bring it back brian! one last time.
andres8406.26.12 - 1:33 pm
brian wants this thread to sink...ya? nope....and with that said.
barleye responding to a
comment by andres84
06.27.12 - 12:00 pm
Been four long years.
We've been eagerly awaiting the sequel.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.28.12 - 9:39 pm
I do know who you are.
I don't know what you want.
If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money.
But what I do have are a very particular set of skills;
skills I have acquired over a very long career.
Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
If you do this ride now, that'll be the end of it.
I will not look for you,
I will not pursue you.
But if you don't,
I will look for you,
I will find you,
and I will find a way to make you make this go down.
OsnapsonJC06.29.12 - 9:46 am