Thread started by
mandingo at 10.19.07 - 1:44 am
just being an asshole.nevermind.
Is that a picture of a hipster picking up a prostitute? I don't get it.
PC10.19.07 - 3:19 am
I have no idea. I thought the same thing.
Random google image search.
I thought a pointless picture was appropriate under a pointless post.
Ratt_Bones10.19.07 - 3:29 am
I'd love to be a hipster but I can't get into them skinny jeans, too fat. I now understand all the uproar when the fashion industry started using uber skinny models. The image they were promoting would somehow make it to the public. I just didn't think it would be men.
As small as the 20 is, you can fit 50 hipsters in there comfortably.
sc_nomad10.19.07 - 11:09 am
IE CM then...Sins and Sprockets. That is my sexiest picture for this evening.
tern10.19.07 - 11:25 am
now tern, you know what the sexiest photo is,
You got to sign in to see this one
sexy10.19.07 - 11:28 am
man--I can't but I know which picture you're talking about, I think...
tern10.19.07 - 11:33 am
That reminds me; whatever became of the George Michael bathroom pic?
laoxue10.19.07 - 11:38 am
I have those pictures....mark or rich emailed them...they didn't turn out as well as I thought they would.
tern10.19.07 - 11:50 am
I'll email them to you.
tern10.19.07 - 12:06 pm
Wow Annie,
I never really noticed before, but when you put on that berate and hold that drawing clip board, it's really really really wow!
sexy10.23.07 - 1:02 pm
seriously, it is pretty neat that you found a guy with the same exact bike as your.
sexy10.23.07 - 1:05 pm
Whoa what the hell? The centurion is my frame! Of course I don't have a matching force, and mine is scratched to shit,but it's my bike.
If my bike is missing....*shakes fist* I'll be after that guy so fast!!
Jaz10.23.07 - 4:14 pm
Ok, sexy, I usually try to not be dick, so I let bad spelling/word usage slide, (you're/your, their/there/they're, etc.) but for fucks sake c'mon:
berate = To rebuke or scold angrily and at length.
beret = A round, soft, brimless cap that fits snugly and is often worn angled to one side.
Are you even trying? Or do you just figure if you got a couple letters right that's good enough we'll figure it out?
City Hobgoblin10.23.07 - 4:20 pm

wow you dudes are pretty quick on your feet!!! There's actually two guys posted with the same bike!
Speaking of pics from Paris...... hey how bout a few more of these pics!?!?!?------->
Yeah!!! Get some real bikers posted and stop pulling guys off the street that haven't touched a bike in years!
User110.23.07 - 4:32 pm
yes berate, what you do to me.
sexy10.23.07 - 6:34 pm
TO answer your question, you obviously knew what I was talking about, so a few of the letters worked.
Thanks for caring.
sexy10.23.07 - 6:39 pm
wait a minute, are you still mad that I wouldn't play Pokemon with you?
sexy10.23.07 - 7:00 pm

If this shot doesn't make the sexiest photo spot, then the whole system is rigged!
User110.26.07 - 11:28 am
why does franz have a beaver patch and a camel toe
Roadblock03.23.08 - 10:54 am
I think I've seen Franz's nuts more times than my own.
hatehills03.23.08 - 1:13 pm
A. How did you find this thread Chyna
B. Who was the anonymous guy this thread was made after who made fun of me when I was 7000 miles away. It's been almost a full year I deserve to know. BRING THE REAL THREAD BACK!
franz08.19.08 - 5:53 am
A. I searched for "sexiest photo". This is a weird thread.
B. No idea.
imachynna08.19.08 - 3:44 pm
It was kinda fun re reading this old thread... but then I remembered the first one. Let it die.
DeKadenzy08.19.08 - 4:44 pm

barleye11.21.08 - 5:35 pm
I'ma agree with RBI on that one.
Guys are sexy too.
FuzzBeast11.21.08 - 5:50 pm
My only gripe with that photo is that it is not even in focus. I mean, who the hell took it? Can't you fucking use the AUTOFOCUS on your camera, you idiot?!
theroyalacademy11.21.08 - 8:03 pm
The actual sexiest photo (that Barleye posted about), not your stupid dong/balls fotos.
theroyalacademy11.21.08 - 9:15 pm
I was trying to be funny. Because I was the one who took the photo. But, whatever, nevermind.
Good night, internet!
theroyalacademy11.21.08 - 9:16 pm
Barleye lookin fuckin GOOD!!!!!

Eric Hair12.7.08 - 10:45 pm

Dear Sexiest Photo Girl, you are awesome. Keep up the good work!
theroyalacademy12.9.08 - 12:57 am
I concur... sexy without being trashy. j'aime.
canadienne12.9.08 - 10:46 am

SKIDMARCUS02.10.09 - 9:37 am
sexiest photo should totally be the guy on the BMX bike.
bmxers need more love around here.
la duderina02.10.09 - 10:13 pm
top 6 are sexiest coz they are AMAZING photographs!
nice work johnnyboy
Candy Cane02.10.09 - 10:20 pm
they all are amazing. I can't get over the colors..
la duderina02.10.09 - 10:21 pm
I agree! Amazing work, jonnyboy!
Also, these are way more inspiring than the dude with the broken bones. It was getting pretty tedious to see that shit every time you opened up the site. What a downer.
nathansnider02.10.09 - 11:02 pm
+ 1000
for Johnny in his pretty apron.
Whered you get it Johnboy?
Tarmonster.02.10.09 - 11:17 pm
I so want that to be my desktop, but I'd get in trouble...
Joe Borfo04.29.09 - 1:07 pm
Great pic!
You should send that out to the internets worlds and see how far it goes. It's got legs!
BTW, is that a marshmallow in the back spoke?
User104.29.09 - 1:38 pm
!i had no idea this photo would get so much attention!
everyone always asks me about that white thing in the spokes back there... Its the only surviving artifact of a failed project i started using white plastic discs. I was trying to make a spiral design by placing them at concentrically smaller intervals towards the cog so that they would make a spiral pattern when the wheel was turning. I did about 7 before my brain realized it wasnt going to work.
I couldnt get that disc off, so i left it.
Candy Cane04.29.09 - 1:46 pm
and don't worry... the bike has a brake on it now! thanks to the Patron Saint of Bicycle Safety in Los Angeles.
Candy Cane04.29.09 - 1:49 pm
...."a few more of these pics!?!"....sure, or just just rip em offa VICE magazine "Do's and dont's." section like you did.
NOISEPOCKET responding to a
comment by User1
12.17.09 - 1:51 pm
Guess I can't go to while at work until this shitty pic is gone from the homepage.
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by barleye
02.15.10 - 11:51 am
hahahaha it made me crack up..
godmode responding to a
comment by BICYKILLER
02.15.10 - 11:54 am
i was opening MR site at work and this pic poped up and a long loyal customer which was getting tattooed behind me saw me open this page and my luck "he and his boyfriend" true story..just asked omg what page is that??
i said mr.. its bicycle community
he replied.."i wanna be a part your community in a flirtatious way.
i replied.. no you dont..its not what you think.
anways akward moment thanks to this pic..thanksss
Huey555 responding to a
comment by barleye
02.15.10 - 4:23 pm
i love how it goes from gay porn to 5 year old girls on bikes.
SnapperS02.15.10 - 5:17 pm
Reppin' ur own shit....Is, just tasteless.
BOLUDO responding to a
comment by barleye
02.15.10 - 8:15 pm
It's bad enough that the gay agenda gets pushed on every TV show,
now it's getting promoted on the MR site.
If your Gay it's your business and no one really cares.
Just don't push your shit on us strait folks we find it offensive.
To bad if I offended anybody.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by BICYKILLER
02.15.10 - 8:30 pm
the gay agenda is not only here to stay it is a foundation of Midnight Ridazz. so get used to it!
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.16.10 - 4:14 pm
well if you're straight it's your business and no one really cares.
If you don't want "the gay agenda" pushed on you, don't push the 'straight' agenda on them!
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
02.16.10 - 4:23 pm
SO curious to hear what this sounds like! Hahaha!
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.17.10 - 7:25 am
needs to be the new banner.
larsenf responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.17.10 - 11:38 am
it's gonna be a special limited edition backside to this months RWNN spoke card.
barleye responding to a
comment by larsenf
02.17.10 - 11:52 am
what is the point of this image? is it to use gay imagery as a way to make fun of someone who (I assume) is straight? as in homosexuality is "weird and funny" and therefore juxtaposing xray with gay imagery is funny?
Roadblock02.17.10 - 11:57 am

It was bad judgement on my part to post it..It could very easily have been a pic of him with a model, a midget, a president, etc....we joked at polo so he posed for the pic...i said i was gonna photoshop a dick in his mouth....
I wasn't making a joke using gay imagery as the punch line by any means...It's just so over the top silliness that i didn't think anyone would be offended. By all means, delete it from m.r. if you deem it too risque/offensive.
I had reserves about using coke on a spoke card---> fearing it would associate the RWNN with blatant drug use and condoning it.... Then I figured it too was so over the top outlandish to be taken seriously...
barleye responding to a
comment by Roadblock
02.17.10 - 12:46 pm
hey there buddy i never gave you permission to photo shop a dick jizzing
on me and i specifically fucking told you not to. you told me you were going
to, i said no covered my face and walk a way then you took one anyway
i thought you were classier then that...o well not really offended but i think
the photo should be taking off the site the fact that it was sexiest pic kind of
pissed off cuz i have not been on the site for a while and some body else brought
it to attention yesterday so brad douche move and don thanx
and barleye i thought you were a moderator
Xray responding to a
comment by barleye
02.17.10 - 5:19 pm
Xray, you know you can just tell us when your lovers are taking issue with pictures of you and other guys circulating the internet. We know that Tim gets jealous like that.
danya responding to a
comment by Xray
02.17.10 - 5:50 pm
ack i can't believe sean posted a photo of my ex gf. Well my short bus (ridden by two sexy men) is the sexiest photo now!
shmuck02.17.10 - 6:21 pm
Short bus!
what a great bike so much fun to ride.
That 11 year old kid James who "runs" the library in slab city rode it for a few min and loved it.
stillline02.19.10 - 10:03 pm
SO tired of that damn "loser" "loser" pic... there is absolutely nothing sexy, profound, cute or funny about it. Except the dude that took the pic... now he's the sex!
BICYKILLER07.26.10 - 9:27 pm
THANK YOU!! i didnt want to bring it up.It should be on random too or at least make the votes count..i heard you can hack your pic to sexiest photo.If you know how.It should be random pics of CURRENT rides would be efen aswesome!
Huey555 responding to a
comment by BICYKILLER
07.26.10 - 9:31 pm
while I agree about the "loser" pic, I have to disagree about random old photos coming up. I love that, it give people a lead in to an older ride. part of our history.
hey did anyone notice that the Ridazz Spotlights are now random?? wait is that what you said up there?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Huey555
07.26.10 - 9:35 pm
some "loser" puts in a lot of work to keep that photo up there hahah!
Roadblock07.26.10 - 9:46 pm
i kinda like the current sexiest pic. and i only voted on it after it was already on the front page.
tfunk40807.26.10 - 9:57 pm
lol no no i meant it should be random pictures of latest rides aybe like the last 2 days..idk, maybe
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
07.26.10 - 9:57 pm
Ah, but you did create a link to that photo with a built-in vote=99999 once, right? I think that every time a search engine's webcrawler comes by and hits that link, it could bump the photo back up.
That's my theory, anyway.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 12:00 pm
now we know what the heck is goings on.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by nathansnider
07.27.10 - 12:58 pm
Last I heard from this cat named Ariel V., she goes to school up in the Bay now.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 1:02 pm
Yeah, I'm not so sure. There have been other instances of similar posts on threads and those other pics don't keep getting bumped. ...But, yeah, if that's it, then I'm sorry. Won't play those games any more in the future.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Roadblock
07.27.10 - 1:31 pm

Gather all blame on SEAN!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 1:35 pm
I'm ruining Midnight Ridazz even more than Tren Way. It's true.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.27.10 - 1:41 pm
What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
-Mean Spirited
-Loco Pingi
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 1:45 pm
I don't know enough to really be sure, either. There have definitely been a few "sexiest" photos that Just. Wouldn't. Die. Maybe I give people too much credit when it comes to not being jerks on the internet.
definitely give people too much credit when it comes to not being jerks on the internet.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 4:07 pm
I have always assumed it was someone operating on the David Letterman theory of humor: once isn't funny, twice isn't funny,... but repeating it fifty or sixty times becomes funny. Oprah, Uma. Uma, Oprah.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by nathansnider
07.27.10 - 4:48 pm
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.27.10 - 4:55 pm
Goddamn that picture! Is that how it keeps getting bumped up??!!? IT NEEDS TO DIE!!!
Gizzard responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.29.10 - 9:00 am
I've been trying to write about how it appears that Don has done something on the backend to suppress it being bumped anymore, but it keeps sounding like a euphemism.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Gizzard
07.29.10 - 9:55 am
I didnt erase the photo but I went in and erased the fraudulent votes.... the photo is still there in the gallery....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.29.10 - 1:02 pm
HAHAHAHHAH I voted for that to be sexiest.
Huey55509.3.10 - 5:20 pm
Thanks Graham and Brad for making me look like a pedophile at work!!!
buckchin09.22.10 - 12:18 pm
right on my tongue? sooo least try to make it over my head to xl...
barleye responding to a
comment by R@WKIT
10.25.10 - 2:01 pm
I think the guy all the way on the left wants sum too!
R@WKIT responding to a
comment by barleye
10.25.10 - 2:24 pm
Is it just me or does her penis match her bike?
buckchin responding to a
comment by LACMsux
11.23.10 - 2:36 pm
that fixie chick has got a pink thingy by her legs............
genuine4 responding to a
comment by LACMsux
06.2.11 - 4:17 pm
Coe coe buttaa responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
06.2.11 - 11:04 pm
So now Tim Wheeler is dictating the sexiest photo? What has the world come to?
buckchin10.5.12 - 9:59 pm
I vote buckchin in lingerie forever.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by buckchin
10.5.12 - 10:08 pm
i know what sexy is.
and that's why i'm voting in 2012.
slowrighthand responding to a
comment by buckchin
10.5.12 - 10:27 pm