Church of Fun - makers group - PANACEA

Thread started by
rxhzrd at 01.23.13 - 8:21 pm
This is Panacea.
We are a collaboration of ideas, skills, and resources combing to further our knowledge and build tangible results.
We will learn skills and design philosophies from each other and put it into practice by building group projects.
This is for the people that can find solutions and musically build the answers.
The members that come together are welders, engineers, designers, arduino programmers, permaculture farmers, electrical gurus, carpenters, ect.
Part of each meeting we will learn from each other by show and tell of personal projects, discussing new concepts and ideas we have thought of and found, and then hands on building of something the group will be working on which will be determined by everyone.
Panacea is NOT these things
- a place to sit in without contributing.
- a place to nit pick design problems of others projects, problems are easy to see - we focus on finding solutions
- a place for people with no skills or knowledge that have never designed or built anything
Panacea IS these things
- a networking place for like minded builders
- a continually growing and evolving conceptual maker group
- a place to share your knowledge and skills and in return you will learn other skills and knowledge
Our Meeting place:
The Church of Fun in Silver Lake
It is a free standing building artist Co-Op with a metal shop, hand tools, woodworking tools, and bicycle shop. There is a large sanctuary with a projector and sound system, and gated private parking lot for projects.
Contact me with a little info about yourself and when you are available so I can arrange our first meeting. Our first meeting will be sometime in the first week of February
Rex Hazard