Bike Thief Whoopin

Thread started by
Huey555 at 11.24.12 - 3:10 am
!@#$?> cant get it to work here is the link bye
Huey55511.24.12 - 3:14 am
Its only a bicycle.
But then again, I'd like to see some individuals who have stolen my bikes or the bikes of my friends receive a little bit of that.
It would go a long way in discouraging future thefts.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by Huey555
11.24.12 - 1:27 pm
This guy is an amateur. When I used to steal bikes, I always made sure to do it quick and fast cause you never know who's there. And when you're stealing a bike, have a monkey wrench or a u lock handy. I would like to see the bike owner who would take a wrench to the face for their bike. The only time I was caught stealing a bike I told the dude to be very careful about being a hero lest he gets his face kicked in. I walked away without the bike.
Anarchy is order. Fuck rules. Steal if you must. But remember that you might get your shit kicked in if you do.
bicicleta_del_demonio11.25.12 - 1:15 pm
And on a second look, I noticed the bike was out instead of on the racks... This would raise red flags not to take it. It was an ambush and this guy should not steal. Leave stealing for the professionals.
bicicleta_del_demonio11.25.12 - 1:26 pm
Violence should be for defense only. Kicking someone's ass for stealing is a douche move. Be more creative than that to make a person responsible for their own actions.
Lets evolve for fuck sakes.
Joe Borfo11.25.12 - 1:43 pm
bicicleta_del_demonio you sound cool. I want to buy you a beer or smoke out with you sometime soon. Lets hang!
sexy11.25.12 - 1:54 pm
Kicking someone's ass for stealing is a douche move.
Stealing somebody's transportation is the king of douche moves. World's smallest picoviolin for bike thieves who get their asses kicked.
Just say BorfNO!
PC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.25.12 - 7:14 pm
Naw... I rather steal bikes.... jk. I stole as a teenager and now I am approaching my 30's.... I rather just comment.
And to Joe Borfo... You are the man. To tell you the truth, you are the one of the few here who is truly matured and kind but at the same time goofy and young at heart. I would have a beer and toke with him, not you Sexy.
bicicleta_del_demonio responding to a
comment by sexy
11.26.12 - 8:29 pm
If your transportation is so important, why not take the time to lock your shit up? In my heyday of jacking bikes, I would steal 3 to 5 a week, all from people who "let" me take them.... let me. Let me explain:
If you want your bike to be there when you come back, lock your shit up to a suitable anchor and with good locks and chains.
bicicleta_del_demonio responding to a
comment by PC
11.26.12 - 8:33 pm
you don't smoke. that would be like saying "let's shoot up sometime."
statler responding to a
comment by sexy
11.26.12 - 9:26 pm
@ PC I know you like to be Perpetually Contrarian but Borfo's comment is unassailable.
They didn't need to kick that guys ass, they wanted to. It was clearly a set up designed to attract any opportunist, not a real bike thief.
This was an occasion for violence, and an unlocked bike was the bait to attract a victim.
Fuck all unnecessary violence and fuck all you wannabe Dirty Hairy Hipsters.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by PC
11.27.12 - 10:25 am
I only need a few more posts 'till I hit 3K!!
Mook11.28.12 - 3:08 pm
youre not even aloud in the 1000 post club thread!
buckchin responding to a
comment by Mook
11.28.12 - 4:01 pm
You shouldn't have to lock up your bike. Thieves are scum of the earth, the only people below them are rapists.
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by bicicleta_del_demonio
12.23.12 - 12:58 pm
Hmmmm what if it was a problem area with a history of bike thievery and they set a trap for the Perpetual Criminal?
I do feel bad for the guy though for some reason.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by trickmilla
12.23.12 - 1:05 pm
While I would love to dispense some street justice to the many bike thieves that have assailed me in the past it has never happened. Only one had the balls to try and use violence to try and rob me while I was present, he lost. I have found in life the best revenge you can get against those that do you wrong is to live well.
rev106 responding to a
comment by toweliesbong
12.24.12 - 9:38 am